I’m thinking about windows in my house, about the last thing to sort after moving in 10yrs back.
I’ve had a few companies come look and quote for slim glazed units and draught seals. However they all use the brush things which I think a rubbish. Additionally the thermal performance of slim glazed is not great.
So I’m toying with a few things. Firstly using Aquamac AQ21 for the seals and secondly making the replacement sashes and installing vacuum glazing.
I’ve made a prototype sash for one of the kitchen windows, for which 5yrs ago I bought some slim glazed units, rush of blood moment.
Having made the prototype I’m left with some questions. Wonder if there are any answers or thoughts/advice/criticism out there.
1. How to bed the unit. Can I just fill the frame with neutral cure silicone and push the unit in?
2. There is only a 1mm gap round the unit. Most sites show a 2mm gap at the base with packers. Is this required?
3. The bead (see image) is it just planted and pinned to the frame or is the silicone under it also?
4. The original window is pegged in each tenon, are they just pegged or draw bored? Do they also need glue?
5. I made the meeting rail with a slot that the glass slides in to, copying the original. Does this work with DGUs?
6. The DGU rebate interferes with the top tenon to the meeting rail. If I went for a thicker DGU I can’t workout how it doesn’t end up impacting the tenon to much. What depth DGUs should I be able to fit in a 50mm deep sash?
7. Does the draught seal design look sensible.
I’ve had a few companies come look and quote for slim glazed units and draught seals. However they all use the brush things which I think a rubbish. Additionally the thermal performance of slim glazed is not great.
So I’m toying with a few things. Firstly using Aquamac AQ21 for the seals and secondly making the replacement sashes and installing vacuum glazing.
I’ve made a prototype sash for one of the kitchen windows, for which 5yrs ago I bought some slim glazed units, rush of blood moment.
Having made the prototype I’m left with some questions. Wonder if there are any answers or thoughts/advice/criticism out there.
1. How to bed the unit. Can I just fill the frame with neutral cure silicone and push the unit in?
2. There is only a 1mm gap round the unit. Most sites show a 2mm gap at the base with packers. Is this required?
3. The bead (see image) is it just planted and pinned to the frame or is the silicone under it also?
4. The original window is pegged in each tenon, are they just pegged or draw bored? Do they also need glue?
5. I made the meeting rail with a slot that the glass slides in to, copying the original. Does this work with DGUs?
6. The DGU rebate interferes with the top tenon to the meeting rail. If I went for a thicker DGU I can’t workout how it doesn’t end up impacting the tenon to much. What depth DGUs should I be able to fit in a 50mm deep sash?
7. Does the draught seal design look sensible.