Router table insert

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Just want to say thank you to Woodmonkey for sending me the phenolic plate as offered.
As I tend to use smaller rather than larger router bits, I'm just wondering whether I need to machine the plate for the Rutlands inserts but if I do, I'm thinking it would be more accurate to make a template and then use a router with a guide bush than trying to use a trammel directly? There is a lip for the inserts to clip in so using different sized templates (or bushes) might be the way forward?
Does anyone have any recommendations?
Glynne - you already have a template, the old router plate. I used the old plate to pattern rout the large hole, and then a bearing guided rebate cutter to make the rebate to take the inserts. I had the cutter already but I just had to buy the right size bearing to get the correct offset (3mm iirc)
I'm with you (I think).
So I remove most of the material for the large hole, fix the old plate on as a template and then run around with a straight bearing guided cutter?
Fine with the rebate side of things but did you bother with the extra ridge for the inserts to clip in?
Not sure what you mean about the extra ridge, managed to end up with a good fit just with the rebate, although there is a small noble on the underside of the insert so had to rout a small notch for that, is to stop it from spinningbi guess.
Having just seen this I must have missed the fact the Incra insert has 3/4 in corner radius on the plate I have just orderde from Peter. Looks like I'm off to get a 1 1/2 bearing guided cutter, like the CMT or some such ( unless I am missing something?). Time to get choping some MDf to make a template, not enough equal thickness offcuts lying around, apart for the stuff I bought for the fence,the supposedly good local bm suppliers gave me pieces with the backside full of screw holes, hey ho should have been awake/driven the extra miles to Matlock/ Sheffield or Chesterfield. Three local bm's, even though they have dedicated joinery shops sell the world's shonkyiest timber with a good dose of attitude on the side ( sic - "local timber for local people, Tubbs"). Dedicated timber merchants it is from now on.

P.S. just saw the incremental site that recommends a 5/8 dia bit? [/ could put me out of my misery please?
Sorted, thanks Peter. Must remember not to over tax the brain first thing in the morning, took the easy way out, and bought the template. I was planing on just fitting straight section MDF around the redouter plate, and using non 3/4 in radius bit. Should have paid more attention!
Just to close the loop on my question. Incra plate arrived today as I took a few days to order it, fits space left by the Woodpecker router lift perfectly.

I finally got around to machining the insert that Woodmonkey (Rich) kindly sent me and after "faffing" about looking for inserts which I didn't need, I simply tapped some threads for M6 set screws as adjusters. I also used some acrylic plastic to make a closer tolerance insert for smaller bits - the picture shows a 1/4" spiral bit. The other hole (covered) is for my Router Raizer which ive had for some time.

I also treated myself to an Xtreme Xtension which Ive been considering for some time, especially as Peter Sefton let me have a play with one whilst I was on his veneering course. Although a bit pricey, its an amazing bit of kit and I can now change bits by simply using the Raizer and then one hex socket. No more having to lift the plate and router out (and getting chipped sides to the insert hole) or grovelling about under the table, and no more skinned knuckles using a spanner and the spindle lock.

I can now sell my 2 Rutlands collet extensions which I'll post next.
Thanks again Rich.


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