router extraction

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11 Mar 2009
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Why do so many router manufactures put the extraction unit onto the top of the router base up by the router spindle, when it makes more sense for it to go under the parallel side fence. Or better still provide both options.

The only manufacturer I see who does this is festool. Would be nise to be able to get an after market one that you can fix to the parelle fence?
My Dewalt 626 has extraction on the fence and around the cutter from above. I have a festool 1010 which extracts thru the base but the fence has a clear box (chip catcher) on it to improve extraction and it has a clever swiveling chip catcher for when your routing an edge it pretty much gets every bit of dust.
Rockler sell a couple of items that may help when edge-routing. There's the Whirwind dust port and also the Edge Routing dust port. Sadly, I've never seen anything like this available in the UK and importing goods is much dearer now than what it was a few years ago.
There a several routers with good extraction - it needs a manufacturer who wants to sell to professionals in Europe who have to work within strict exposure limits
The problem with most routers is the motor cooling air being directed down onto the cutting point - this blows chips away from the cutters (and all over your workshop) Extracting these routers is an afterthought. You have to attach a plastic device which deflects this cooling air and attempts to provide a LEV enclosure at the cutting point.
Better to find a company who have designed a machine from first principles to have good extraction, The air from the motor should aim out sideways rather than down,The opening in the baseplate should be aerodynamically efficient so there are no conflicting airflows - the vacuum works with the tooling (advanced capture)
I've used Festo, Makita and Dewalt routers that all do a pretty good job of dust collection.skeleton guide bushes and clip on hoods all help. The guide bush opening on the small Festo and Makita RP1110c are the same size so I use the various gadgets on both routers ( I think the DW621 Is the same)
The clip on hoods are great, but I can't fine them in the UK. I think I will order on of the Whirlwind ones mentioned by OPJ