by picture, that iron looks .125 or .14 range.
do some googling or wait here for someone who has bought one and can measure it.
I'm curious as to how good my guesses will be (I feel like the guy who can sit across the bar and say "that was duquesne pilsener's glass, 1977-1979...ugly glass, bad beer, but interesting nonetheless")
If that iron is O1, I suspect it will be good - good O1 steel is hard to make bad - it usually comes spheroidized or annealed from the mill if it's US or UK stuff, grain oriented to length and the only real question is what's the hardness (and it's usable in a huge range).
do some googling or wait here for someone who has bought one and can measure it.
I'm curious as to how good my guesses will be (I feel like the guy who can sit across the bar and say "that was duquesne pilsener's glass, 1977-1979...ugly glass, bad beer, but interesting nonetheless")
If that iron is O1, I suspect it will be good - good O1 steel is hard to make bad - it usually comes spheroidized or annealed from the mill if it's US or UK stuff, grain oriented to length and the only real question is what's the hardness (and it's usable in a huge range).