Renting a garage

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What goes around comes around.
7 Jul 2010
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How much rent would you expect to pay for a double garage?
I can get my basic working workshop stuff into my own garage but not enough space for all the other stuff I keep, such as stacks of wood etc, and I'm renting a container at the moment.
And on facilities it has, water, elec, heating, security and distance from you...
Do you have room to put a container on your own ground? A couple of grand would get you one and would soon save you that in rental fees..
Anyway, around our way, just south of SW London, it seems to be £150pm but for a single only. My brother who lives Staines way pays £80pm for a single but that was 10 years ago. Not sure what he pays now. £100+ I would think.
My thought for when I move was to buy a place with a detached garage with space behind or adjacent to extend or turn into a double garage. Then I had a rethink and I will buy a large-ish shed to store all of my wood and metal in. Far cheaper than building, where nowadays you can reckon on £2k/square metre (it used to be £1k but with everything doubling, including labour). That leaves the garage to hold my workbench and woodworking machines.
The question raises other interesting thoughts. I have a lot of 'stuff' in my garage/workshop, none of it essential but I am reluctant to get rid of it. If it was costing me £xxx a month to store it, I would look at the trade off between material costs and storage costs. Is it better to buy what you need when you need it and store very little? I keep 1/4 full tins of paint, offcuts, lightbulbs I have swapped out, etc. The answer will be different for each of us, but long term storage space is getting very expensive to rent.