Okay, on the floor of my front bedroom I have some lovely original Victorian 7"-ish floorboards.
1) I don't want to hire out a floor sander to clean them up and remove old paint etc, I'd rather do things properly, pull them all up, de-nail, make good and put them through some sort of planer, before finishing them and screwing them back down. I would rather screw than nail as then I won't be shaking the original cornices and plaster rose of the lower floor ceiling. I don't have a standalone planer but might be willing to invest in something for the future
2) I'd also like to tongue and groove them somehow (currently plain boards) but obviously don't want to lose any width - although I have some spare to make up any ground caused by the gaps in the 150 years of shrinkage. I thought about grooving both sides and inserting a 5mm tongue, but am wondering if I can buy stock readily available to do this.
Any thoughts on equipment for (1) and ideas for (1) and (2) would be appreciated
All the best