Redefining the term 'crass stupidity'

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
..has to go to the cretinous, moronic 36 year old woman, self-professed 'artist' who brought West London to a grinding halt this morning while police checked her 'artistic installations' that looked suspiciously like potential bombs.

I can't even begin to imagine the hours wasted by the general public and police while tubes lines were stopped, roads closed. Missed appointments? Hospital visits all missed. Deliveries of crucial items (yup...that's why I'm rantin') delayed to another day.

And all for what? Bring back the stocks, I say. I'd be at the front with a brick and not a rotten tomato :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

The sheer stupidity of some humans continues to surprise me.
I haven't seen the story behind this yet, but I look forward to reading it and getting all annoyed about it. Artists. Gaah! :wink:
Well...on the news this evening there was a suggestion that she could be charged with setting a device that looks like a bomb in a public place (well that was the gist of it). Maximum sentence 7 years.

One can live in hope.
Maximum sentance yes but what do you think she'll actually get - and if she got the max do you think it would be reduced on appeal?

I'd imagine the humiliation alone is akin to punishment, although that depends on her character. Jail sounds too harsh - that should be reserved for those with pre-meditated criminal intent.

A good stretch of community service with tasks set appropriate to the circumstances, I reckon would be a good lesson for her.

Roger wrote:
And all for what? Bring back the stocks, I say. I'd be at the front with a brick and not a rotten tomato

Bricks - come on!, you know you don't mean that. Stocks and tomatoes would be good though.
I think we've hit the "Grumpy Old Men" mode here........ :D

mind you bring so much disruption to lots of people and businesses must warrent some sort of punishment ........ mind you both bricks and 7 years are a bit over the top......

I know a possible good punishment ........... She'd get community service cleaning say 10 workshops using only a tooth brush and an empty cig packet as a dust pan. :twisted:
I think we've hit the "Grumpy Old Men" mode here

I can cope with that! :)

She'd get community service cleaning say 10 workshops using only a tooth brush and an empty cig packet as a dust pan.

..or collecting litter off the streets.
:D if shes an artist get her to paint the 4th bridge :D people risk there life's every day dealing with bombs with out the added strain of hoaxers :x

At the risk of straying into a political post (I'll risk it), I reckon this was a bit of spin doctoring to divert attention away from John "Two Birds" Prescott unfortunate revelations!!!!

Wonder how much she was paid???

Surely power is irrelevant if, as is the case, both parties fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. In that case it's natural selection and the rest of us are just lucky.
Returning to the 'stupid women' for a moment. How is it that some people can inflict frustration, delays, loss of earnings, unecessary expense, and heaven knows what else on thousands of people and get away with it.

I really don't know what sort of punishment would be appropriate but she should have something that reflects all the disruption.

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