Record power bandsaw bs350s

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10 Dec 2024
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Looking for some advice I put a new blade on the bandsaw this morning 19mm and I can't seem to stop the blade fluttering I have tensioned what I think is right the guide arrow is showing just past the 19mm mark I now this is just a guide mark when I checked the blade for tension it will give about 6 mm give or must it be a bit more tension. Any advice is welcome tyvm.
Never used the guide arrow, always tightened my 350 until the blade did not flutter anymore with the top guide at the very least at its highest position, if not adjusted until it was not near the blade. Who's make of new blade did you get? If you did not this time get a TuffSaws blade, they are just about the best and in the long run the most economical.
I purchased the blades from record power when I purchased the bandsaw.i am going to order blades from tuffsaws today tyvm for your reply.
The RP specs for that saw say 1/2 inch is the max blade width, 19mm might physically fit but be beyond the sensible tension range. I see that RP sell blades in 3 packs which include a 19, seems odd, so maybe call them.

My smaller Axminster band saw says it will take a 1/2 inch blade but I never managed to tension it well so stick with one size down, 3/8 in my case.

On my machine the tension indicator isnt a very good guide, I find the most reliable way is to open the top cabinet and push the long section of blade towards the left upright, if it deflects about 6 mm with a hard shove with my thumb it's about right.

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