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Jenx - Whats wrong with the Record 8inch grinder ?

Im going to upgrade my B&Q special soon and was thinking of the RP8

But not if there are problems with them !

Hi Loz ....
I got the first one, and it vibrated so violently, that it was completely unuseable. Checked the wheel, dressed it relentlessley ... then posted about it here, and asked Chas for some help, which he kindly obliged with.

I followed his guidance, and it was no better.
Contacted Record, and fair-play to them, they were very helpful, and took it back.. all at their cost, to investigate.

Whilst they were doing so, -- I was relating the story to Mike at Grampian Power Tools in town... he said " I have an older Record Select 8" Model up stairs, there's a part missing.. although its new. Help yourself to it.. if you can fix it, then all well and good. "

Got that one home.. stripped it right down, and all that was missing was the white wheel only .. so I bought a new one, fitted it... and it vibrated every bit as badly... but I stuck with 'trying my best to get on with it.....

and a few days later - Record contacted me back... " You're right about the Vibration Mr Jenkins, the shaft's probably bent, we'll send you out a new one. " ( I doubt whether it'd have been economically viable to actually check... easier and more sensible just to send the new machine )..

Which they duly did. ( I have to say, they tried their best to be good on the 'service / customer care aspect... can't fault them there ).
It arrived the day after despatch... I then bolted it all down to the stand etc.. vibrates just as bad as the first two. Dressed the wheel.. same.

So I took it off again, and boxed it up... put the 'middle free one back on, becuase it was probably the best one of the three' ... and laid the most recent one aside, with a view to disposing of it somehow ( not too sure quite how or where.. that was a problem for another day )...
and persisted with the one I'd repaired.

The vibration is absolutely horrendous with all three, I'd experienced.

I'd had enough of it leaving raggedy edges on my gouges and chisels..( caused by the vibration. )

I know some lads here have one, and probably swear by it... but I have to say, in the experience that I'd had with the RPBG8, it is a dreadful machine. I'd actually say its rubbish.
It cant be anything down to 'me' ... my previous Perform 6" never gave me any problem ... the Clarke i've replaced everything with now, doesn't give me a problem .... never had any problems with a bench grinder ever before ... but that things ? no. I'm sorry I ever set eyes on them.
Record themselves tried damn hard to sort me out by what they did.. 10/10 for effort on that score..

Its my view that the huge wheel is in a big way responsible for the problem. Its a huge lump of stone by comparison to most other machines, I'm sure its the problem.
I'm not the only forum member to have this problem with this machine.

I cannot , from my own experiences with it.. recommend it to anyone.

The replacement one.. the one thats Brand new and never been used .. you can have, for nothing.. totally free gratis if you want it. I'll send it to you if you want. But I'll guarantee you will hate the thing.

The vibes are absolutely horrendous, honestly.


( if you want it free.. drop me a note. But I'd really advocate going another route. )

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

oldsoke":sgbxsjmu said:
50$ hoover? That was a cheapie this time last year :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jeez Jenx,i very nearly bought the Record 8" and i had a 6" one on the counter ready to buy,glad i ididn't now after reading your account,though i did have it in the back of my mind that i'd read somewhere about the bad vibration on the Record grinders but can't remember where :?
This is why i went and bought the Tormek in the end,but it was at the right price,i doubt i would fork out for the price of a new one :shock:
My 6" Perform grinder vibrated really bad,still does which is why i started the hunt for another decent grinder.
Hi Paul ...
By most accounts, you have got the best Sharpening System going. :wink:

Certainly, I remember reading some lads on the forum have, and swear by their Record 8" machines ...

But I too found ( after having the initial problems I experienced ), a lot of damming reports about the 'vibro-monster'
There are things available in Anne Summers that vibrate considerably less than these machines, and they're supposed to ! :wink: :lol:

I could see the steel of (in particular) my bowl gouges, basically evaporating before my eyes as I tried to get an acceptable edge.. and with no success forthcoming.

terrible, terrible machine.

As mentioned - if Loz wants a brand new, free one .. he's welcome to it.
but I'd not 'wish it ' on him.. cause its an awful machine.
Thanks Jenx,

Seems more than co-incidental that you would get two badly manufactured grinders, so the vibration seems to be a symptom of the low cost ?

ps - you have PM.

Jenx wrote
There are things available in Anne Summers that vibrate considerably less than these machines, and they're supposed to !

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Alun that just made me laugh,very good :lol: :lol:
But you are right,perhaps Record ought to have a word with AS :lol:
I know how you feel about passing the grinder on as i was fed up with the Perform,and it's only use now will be for roughing down. :roll:
I have to agree with Alun , my Record 8" grinder also vibrates. I have reduced it to a useable level by repeatedly dressing the wheel but I wouldn't buy another.

At low speed you can see the wheel move in and out by about .5 mm, at high speed it sort of levels out. It works OK to the point where I can grind tools without a problem but the bench vibrates more than I think is acceptable.


Mike C
Playing devil's advocate it amazes me how many people keep upgrading their sharpening gear. I've been using cheap 6" grinders all my time turning and they have never let me down. OK I do replace the grey wheels with others, but other than that I never touch them. The last new one I bought was £14 and I already had the wheels to fit, bought them when on offer at a show for £6 each.

A lot say they want to upgrade because they want a wider wheel. Why? If your a flat worker and doing plane irons and so on that is a whole different ball game, but for turning you certainly don't need anything wider than a inch. IME even the inch wheel hollows very quickly so you end up dressing it all the time. In fact all these wide wheel grinders I find are a pain as you have to try and keep the chisels moving from side to side to even out the wear on the stone. I am more than happy to use a ¾” stone for all my sharpening duties. In fact I can't think of any woodturning chisel where you could get more than about ¾” on the stone at any time anyway. You could say a 1¼” skew but my skews hardly ever see a wheel, they are generally honed either on a diamond or oil stone.

The only thing I am keeping my eye open for is a 8" grinder, only because the wheels last longer than the 6", but I ain't paying £50 for one. I'll find a cheap one, one day. :wink: In the mean time I will struggle along with my little 6" ones. You rich turners don't know how lucky you are. :roll:
I was only having a dig at the guys who upgrade hoping it will make sharpening easier for them. Your reason is a good one for buying a better make, hopefully you can get wheels for them, but look at the state of this Record one. Glad I wasn't involved in that.

Cheap grinder, good wheels, solid home made jig, and with a bit of practice anyone is set for woodturning. That's the thing, If they practice. I just find it a shame that a lot seem to give up so easily and don't seem to have any confidence in their own abilities.

Rant over! :lol: :lol:
Having gone through all the hassle and heartache ...
Tam's right, I think.

A 6" wheel, 12.7mm dia, 20mm wide, 80 grit white wheel ( possibly two ). - Perfect.
And the replacement wheels round about 10 quid. ... another bonus.

I have learned an expensive, but valuable lesson. :roll:

( With the possible exception of the Tormek, which is rather nice :lol: :lol: -- not to 'cue another grinding / sharpening debate'. But the cost is a bit prohibitive .. nice if you can do a 'PaulJ' and pick one up a wee bitty cheaper :lol: P)
Thanks for the above posts everyone,,,,,speaking as a one time rich turner ( before I became unemployed ), I also bought the 8inch record grinder and mounted it on a metal stand. The vibration was horrendous, I thought it was the metal stand, so screwed it to a bench, and still it tries to shake itself to bits.......I thought it was just my age.......lordy, I am not too senile after all then. I went back to my 20 odd year old clarke grinder, never missed a beat nor vibrated.

Sounds all too familiar Gordon .

One does begin to question the whole 'is it fit for purpose ? ' to be on sale in the first place.
One, could be forgiven. but clearly it isn't 'one' ... that grinder is bordering on dangerous.

I have been mulling this over this afternoon.
Thinking about the automotive industry, and particularly, the need to "balance" the roadwheels of a car / motorcycle etc...
The more i think about this.. and specifically the 'profile' of that big 40mm wheel, -- which, for those unfamiliar with it, isn't a solid wheel, but is effectively a 'bowl' on its side.. with the dished ("inside", as we'd probably recognise it ) portion facing towards the outside end of the machine, on the left hand end -- I'm of the belief that there is a 'balance' issue contributing to this obvious problem on this particular machine.
To ensure a consistent, uniform profile on that stone with its multiple changes of direction in respect of its various surfaces, must be close on impossible. As Tam says, the erosion on ANY wheel is something which starts to happen almost immediately, as soon as the machine is put to use.
As soon as this starts, the problem looks to be compounded.

Again, for those that havent experienced it.. as Gordon and Mike both mention in addition to my own experiences, the vibration isn't something 'slightly noticeable and mildly annoying'.. the vibration is VAST.
To the point where one could easily expect the machine to shake itself to the point of self destruction, and that is no exaggeration.. it really is that bad.
To my mind, where there are so many reports of this, and so many people finding that this is the case.. that's bringing the machine's capability as being fit for the purpose for which it was sold, right into the spotlight. And I really think its not fit for the purpose.. its dangerous.
I appreciate that Record themselves probably don't make the stones...but they are supplying them as a component part of their overall machine, and I guess as such, become responsible for the suitability of the machine as a whole.

Please be very very aware of the nature of this machine, before you part with any hard-earned for one.... the experiences of people would appear to stand testament to the need to exercise this caution.

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