ready to buy waney edged salad bowl

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Jamie Scott

24 Feb 2008
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I have been asked to find a turned bowl (salad sized) with a waney edge to it. Is there anyone who could recommend a possible turner or supply themselves?

Jamie Scott":ab8cprcf said:
I have been asked to find a turned bowl (salad sized) with a waney edge to it. Is there anyone who could recommend a possible turner or supply themselves?


i might - what wood , what size ( salad bowls come in quite a range of sizes), how waney (ditto), and crucially how much ?
thanks Big Soft Moose,

preferably British hardwood, about 30cm across and 15cm high. It is to be used for salads so the less large holes that might need filling, the better. Am in the North East so would need to include postage in the £90 budget.
I can see it now, all the turners are rumaging through their wood piles and racing to turn out a bowl with pound signs flashing before their eyes :lol: :wink:

Ive got nothing that fits the bill in stock - and as i largely rough turn from green wood i wont have anything suitable for a while.

If i were you i'd sent "tusses" a pm - he's a decent turner and unlike me is a full time pro.
BSM - did you mean Tusses (Richard) or Scrums (Chris) ?
Here's Scrums website - I'm sure Tusses isn't a full-time turner (met him at Pauls bash last year)

Checked through my current stock,nothing thicker than 4".. :(

well spotted mate i meant scrums - thats what i get for posting while i'm in a rush.
My impresion of a turned salad bowl would be something about 10" -12" diameter and 5"/ 6" deep at least, that's some fair old lump of wood.
Big lumps of wood + lots of time = expensive

As for waney edge, that's a huge lump of wood to get any bark left on after turning. It also doesn't sound very hygenic all those cracks and crevices to harbour who knows what.

Hi Jamie,

If you could supply me with a piece of wood, I'd be happy to turn it for you. I'd agree with Scrums re: wany edges being un-hygenic, salad bowls are usually smooth and simple. The biggest problem is simply finding a bit of wood big enough. Commercial timber is rarely sold over 4" which means you need access to logs, then it would need drying time etc etc. But as I say, if you could get hold of the wood I'd gladly turn it.


In which case wouldn't it be better to create a 'live' edge? Combining scorching/carving/sculpting ect? Pushes the price up dramatically tho...