Put the saw back together again today with the new blade.
Strangely the original blade was not fully captured by the brass back so when I put the back on with the blade fully inserted into the spline the handle wouldn't line up with the holes. In order to get the holes to line up I had to pull the blade from the brass back by about 10mm.
Anyway all seems to be tight fitting now.
Something missing from this saw though! Must cut some teeth.
Now I have never done this before so am a bit apprehensive about doing this. I seem to remember someone posting a link to a set of paper measures that you can print out to stick to the saw to get the spacing right, must do a search for that and give that a try.
Think I will look to give this about 14tpi as I have a 12 and a 16, I find I use the 16 more than the 12 but it is a bit fine so a 14 will be just right.
Maybe of course I use the 16 more just because it is a better saw.
Here is a picture of the other side.
And a close up of the saw nuts with USE written thereon, the brass back has R Groves & sons Sheffield stamped on it.
So what does USE mean? Am I being thick and it's obvious?