Rattus Rattus Bastardus!


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Do you know anyone who keeps Ferrets?

If so, beg some Ferret poo from them, and sprinkle that around where the rat is hiding / running.

Guaranteed to shift any rat PDQ. (Ferrets are very partial to a bit of rat, and the rats know this)

Obviously remember to clean up the Ferret poo afterwords! 8)

90% - why give the rat more than you need to just to use fractions?

Hope your pesky rat is history by now but if not, I can recommend the range of tunnel traps sold by SCATS (I believe that Dorset has at least one branch of SCATS). Their range is "street legal", I'm sure. I bought their mink/squirrel trap, which works a treat on rodents with fluffy tails, but they do all sizes for different vermin.

it probably wont be one rat , they usually live in far greater numbers
like scrit says , cats normally avoid rats at fear of coming off worse
jack russells love the sport of killing them .
on a recent trip to b+q i noticed some wooden rat traps which were no good as rat traps , until i modified them with brad nails . fired through from underneath leaving about 1/2" of brad sticking through to impale under the chin .
like roger says . dont be too fused about how you get rid of them
they have got to go
there was a forty percent rise in the rat population last year alone
and funnily enough a 40 percent rise in call outs to local authority for the rat catchers
my other hobby, among many, is vermin contol
i use gen 1+ night vision on a very modified air rifle and shoot at local farms , mostly rat dispatch these days
hope youve got the blitter by now
all the best
edit :
almost forgot to say
when you catch or kill it
1 , make sure its dead {they can be very clever and play dead} any injured animal can be very dangerous
2 , dont handle it . we all know the perils of weils diesease . i generally stab them with a pitch fork , in order not to handle them
3 , clean down with disinfectant, jeyes fluid
this helps to stop other rats taking over another rats territory
4 , block any holes
hope that helps
Well, as usual, lots of good advice here.

As for bait I've also heard that chocolat is good, but the one thing not yet mentioned is the need to 'wire on' the bait. I've found that they are pretty damm clever at removing bait if it's not tied on in some way. This, of course, makes the job of setting the traps even more difficult.

Yes, there will definately be more than one :twisted:

Allegedly there are no rats in Czechland but there sure is a hellva lot of mice, they are currently invadiing the gap between my workshop ceiling and the upstairs floor, and their scratching at 'whatever' is driving me crazy :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Oh, nearly forgot, I was on another forum and came across a girl in Soth Wales who breeds them as pets :roll: :roll:
Mel, Your post reminded me of my Dad when he used to shhot rats as came up around the chicken house. He got a pair of step ladder's, and sat on the top platform like a special forces wimbledon umpire :lol: and would shine a torchfastened to the 410 and pop them away :lol: Another time he was taking a derelict garage down, there was bits of brick and asbestos sheet and that. He lifted a sheet up and theres this cute little nest full of inch long baby rats. OOH I said (I was 2 or 3). Right son this is what we do with these, he gets a shovel, scoops up the lot rats, nest, evrything and slung it in the beck 8) Scarred for life or what, needed post traumatic stress counsilling?? :lol: No just got a healthy respect for vermin.

What amazes me is that all this recycling fiasco being promoted at present is definately causing an upsurge in rat population. Many people slag the Victorians BUT they did twig the sense to make the connection between public health and public hygiene, but whats happening now is a step in the opposite direction. Any nutter who wants to breed/protect vermin rats wants seeing to. :wink:
Hi Mr. S.
I once had a contract to investigate some electronic gizmos that were used on huge gas powered generators. The gas came from deep inside a landfill / recycling plant.

There were rats everywhere :x

On the third day when I was finishing my investigation & making some notes for the report one of the buggers ran across the table I was using as a desk :shock: :shock:

That was in Suffolk IIRC :) :)
I used to work in the steel industry, and our IT department started having a lot of problems with their network (well - even more than usual).

When they investigated, they suspected a wiring problem. The IT department had a false floor, so that all the cables could be run in that without tripping hazards etc.

When the lifted the false floor to have a look-see, there were rats running everywhere!!! The little so-and so's had been happily living and breeding under the false floor - the network problems started when they developed a taste for cable insulation.

It took months to get rid of them all, and in the end the whole floor had to come up, as some died under there and the stink was dreadful!! It was almost enough to make you feel sorry for the IT dept - but not quite! :twisted:

Did you hear about the student who invented a new rat/mouse trap.He took it to a Patent Agent who looked at it hard and long."How does it work"The agent asked.The trap consisted of a small ramp with a gap to a piece of cheese. At the top of the ramp a razor blade was glued."well" said the, the rat or mouse smells the cheese, runs up the ramp and leans across the razor blade and cuts it's throat.
"That won't work" scoffed the agent "You need a sawing action to cut a rats throat. Come back if you can work out a way to saw through the skin."
About a month later the student turns up at the agents office with his trap. The trap looks just the same except there is no cheese."You're pulling my leg now, how is that any better"snapped the agent.
"Well said the student, when the rat/mouse runs up the ramp it It leans over the blade and looks left and right and says," Wheres the bloody cheese then""