Radius corners in sketchup


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Established Member
10 May 2007
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Enderby, Leicester
How do I avoid these gaping holes or how do I fill these gaping holes.


I am using the follow me tool but because I already have a radius along the other adge I end up with the missing profile, its now doing my head in, HELP PLEASE
I suspect that the problem is that your model is relatively small. One thing that SU is not good at is small-scale faces. Sometimes things just disappear. The trick is to scale up your model, say by 100, then do the operation that's causing problems, then scale it back down again. It's a pain, I know. But it does work.

One way is to work in decimal inches and treat the numbers as if they were millimetres. Your models will be 25.4x real size, but this kind of problem will be reduced.

Poorly-eyed Steve

Edit: I assume you used Follow Me for the roundover. Did you start with the quadrant at a corner or part-way along an edge? Better the latter. And you can get rid of the transition lines by right-clicking and selecting Soften Edges.
Steve's pretty well hit the head on the nail. Another thing to consider is that you don't need the default 12 segment arcs for the curves. Six segments would be plenty. This would result in larger faces and less chance of unfilled faces.

For scaling, an easy method is to measure a known length in the model using the Tape Measure tool. Click at each end of the line with the tool. Lets say its 100mm. Type 10000mm to scale it up by a factor of 100. Run the Follow Me tool or whatever you need to do. When you're ready to go back down to original size, measure that same line as before and enter 100mm. This will scale the model back down to original size.

Sorry for the delay in responding. Usually my sixth sense tells me I need to check in to answer a SketchUp question. Unfortunately, today, my sixth sense wasn't working. It is either due to the weather or the lack of beer.
After picking the Arc tool but before starting to use it, type the new segment count followed by the letter s. Hit Enter. i.e. type 6s for six segments.