Puppet hands.


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21 Sep 2024
Reaction score
Framlingham, Suffolk, UK
Can anyone put me in touch with someone that could produce some puppet hands with a CNC router? I have about 150 pairs to make and they are taking too long by hand so my mind turned to CNC and as I have zero skills in that area I thought it is time I looked for an expert! Each pair would come out of a block 230 x 30 x 18mm.
It seems long because in each block there is a pair of hands with 5 fingers on each end. The middle 50% is like 2 forearms that go inside the puppet costume.
When I say "by hand" I mean not CNC. I am table routing the palm out and cutting/ shaping the fingers with a bandsaw and a Proxxon carving tool. I've tried lots of methods but I still finish up with plenty of hand sanding which is why I'm thinking about CNC.