Nice work Matt. You must be well pleased with those dovetails as first attempts. =D> I like the walnut too. Proper Fancypants workbench.MattRoberts":3llr86ge said:
Nice work Matt. You must be well pleased with those dovetails as first attempts. =D> I like the walnut too. Proper Fancypants workbench.MattRoberts":3llr86ge said:
Bm101":3ke0i984 said:Nice work Matt. You must be well pleased with those dovetails as first attempts. =D> I like the walnut too. Proper Fancypants workbench.![]()
MattRoberts":3vozpia4 said:Bm101":3vozpia4 said:Nice work Matt. You must be well pleased with those dovetails as first attempts. =D> I like the walnut too. Proper Fancypants workbench.![]()
Thanks Bm! I must confess, that dovetail was the best of the four. I wish I could blame it all on the cheap timber, but having seen others on the forum making flawless dovetails out of pine, I suspect it was my lack of skill too!
Still, I'm pretty sure I used the right technique, so I'd be interested to see what improvement there might be with decent wood and a bit more practice![]()
Thank you very much. It's a good question. I may look to replace the top for something more substantial such as ash - I've already dented this one when a clamp fell on it and took a chunk out of it with a rogue brad nail. Whilst a harder top would still have been damaged by both incidents, it would probably have been significantly less.nabs":2cq881ix said:very impressed Matt - do you still see it as a prototype, or is it being promoted to the final article?
MattRoberts":2cq4t52u said:I've got lots of additions planned - first is a clamp attachment to hold clamps in place when doing panel glue ups.
Bodgers":b60pfnkt said:Sweet - love the dovetailed end caps.
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