Price of mahogany

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Established Member
21 Mar 2007
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Hi, i have been offered four pieces of mahogany sleepers but i do not know what it is worth. i was wondering if any kind soul out there could give me an idea on how much four pieces of mahogany would be worth sizes are
290mm x 130mm x 2340mm

Cheers Neil
Hi Neil

That works out at just over 12 cu ft. Take a look at Timberline for guidance - they are selling Honduras mahogany ~ £100 cu ft.

Mahogany sleepers?

I would be very suspicious that mahogany isn't being used in its non-technical sense of "a reddish tropical looking hardwood of some sort", unless you are just saying that they are sleeper-sized baulks (and even then scepticism is worthwhile).

I recall that sleepers were made from Jarrah ( Australia)and several West African trees all of which were a dense, red or red brown colour. I've never heard of a mahogany sleeper......even 100 yrs ago it would have been too expensive.

If really mahogany then look for the typical alternating grain patterns. Mahogany colour can range from orangy red to deep chocolate brown.

Jake":3i7mt01d said:
Mahogany sleepers?

I would be very suspicious that mahogany isn't being used in its non-technical sense of "a reddish tropical looking hardwood of some sort", unless you are just saying that they are sleeper-sized baulks (and even then scepticism is worthwhile).

too true - also if they have been used as sleepers beaware that they may well be liberally soaked in tar, creosote, deisel etc and also have random bits of metal in them which could bugger up your tools , plus grit etc adhering likewise.

I'm not saying don't get them , but beaware that these considerations greatly reduce their value - per sleeper recycled grade a ones go for about 30 notes in salvage yards , while those that are part rotten (normally described as grade b or c) go for 10-20 depending on how usuable they are.
If they are real sleepers, they will categorically, 100% not be Mahogany. Someone, may be, or unknowingly through honest ignorance, lifting your leg. Most likely Jarrah or some similar gnarly tropical hardwood.
Hi, thanks for the replys. I have not looked at them personally. They are however untreated and come has the fours pieces at the sizes quoted earlier. From the picture i have seen they look possibly the reddy brown colour normally associated with mahogany, but obviously not sure. If they are not would they be worth buying at £60 if they are one of the african hardwoods.

cheers neil
neilricketts":15oniaeo said:
. If they are not would they be worth buying at £60 if they are one of the african hardwoods.

cheers neil

that depends on what you want to do with them - in my experience old sleepers are a cast iron bitch to plank up - not least due to having stray bits of metal in them (the only worse thing is old oak beams but i digress) that said if you can get a good price any interesting timber is always worth a look - i'd imagine they'd convert to turning blanks fairly easily (chainsaw chains being more robust than bandsaw blades) and at the end of the day there is always firewood if all else fails.

btw - as someone else mentioned if these are sleepers there is a good chance that they are jarrah - which is an austrailian hardwood rather than an african one.
And a bloody horrible timber it is as well, and splinters hurt as well.

Azobe is another "red hardwood" that I've seen sold off in large lumps as sleepers. This was only a few years ago.

Some photo's would be good, if possible? :wink: