Post supports to keep posts above earth level

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Halo Jones

Established Member
2 Aug 2010
Reaction score
Fife, Scotland
Hi all,

I am starting a shed/workshop build which will be 12x14'. One gable faces onto the street but the other gable is garden facing and I plan on extending the roof by 4' and having an open porch area as part of the build. I was planning on making an external end truss and posts from 4x4 larch. I know larch is pretty durable but I don't want the feet of the posts in the soil. In France I have seen pretty discreet galvanised steel supports that are embedded in concrete and hold the wooden post 2 or 3" above the ground making the post almost look as if it is floating. I cannot find a similar thing in the uk with all the post spikes looking really ugly. If anyone understands the above description do they have any idea where I can source such a thing?


You could get a Smith to make them and find someone who regularly sends stuff for galvanising, might only cost some beer tokens :wink:
They look like the supports used on some of the "porches" around here.

I personally don't like them - the porches (actually usually just a bit of flat roof with two uprights) look like they're floating and incomplete and basically shoddy.
@ Pete. I agree if they were used for all the supports then it would look a bit weird but when it is used as part of a more substantial structure I think it looks kinda cool. The pictures in this page get at what I mean:

@ Keith. I had seen those but I have seen more elegant designs in hardware stores in France where there is a thick metal pole which extends upwards about 4" into the post that is to be secured. In others there is a 90 degree metal plate where you have to cut a slot in the post and then bolt through.

I knew I should have picked up a few when I was on holiday :?
Sorry barkwindjammer; didn't mean to ignore you. We do have a smithy in the village so that is a possiblity. I just don't know where I would get it galvanised.