Catio, thanks for that, I do like discovering a new word, I just wish my neighbours had heard of it!
Looks a very competent piece of work Tony.
Thanks Cabinetman.
I confess I'd never heard of the word 'Catio' until maybe a year ago, up until then I would have called it an enclosure
I have a Church Organ Builder background in woodwork so such as this has been a challenge for me, not in skills but in actual working methods.
It was as a teenager that I first learned my woodwork skills on a bench and therefore carpentry like this that was conducted off a bench as was using power tools was always quite foreign to me though I have used my woodwork skills over the years when restoring the houses I've owned but I am far from being a natural carpenter and would have been far too slow to make a living from it on building sites etc!
I did however over the years love making pieces of reproduction furniture for my home, using many of the traditional ways of construction hundreds of years ago and up until being taken seriously ill six years ago, almost everything I did was done by hand and not machine and I had hardly any power tools or reliance on them but that changed when I was taken ill as I wasn't able to push along a 2 foot long steel plane any more.
My garage which I use as a workshop these days is at the front of the house so it would have been impossible as well as impractical for me to do the work on this project from there so I had to move my Metabo mitre saw and extending stand which was one of my primary tools to the work area and work from there without a bench so I was learning new skills...a case of an old dog learning new tricks suppose!
It was only after being unable to do any or even the slightest exhaustive work through illness that I adopted power tools into my world.. Up until that point I'd not used tables saws or planer/thicknessers or circular saws...all would have been done by hand but if I wanted to still do a bit of woodwork, then it was either doing much of it with power tools or nothing so using power tools it was for me.
I have a 10" table saw which has been invaluable in ripping down lengths of timber to size and also a budget planer/thicknesser which saves a heck of a lot of work which I couldn't do now so those tools have breathed new life into one that was effectively over but it just shows that just because illness overtakes you, it's still possible to do some of the things you once loved doing even if not by hand.
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