Established Member
A Pace Stick stand made for an old boss' husband who has just been made a Sergeant Major. Most of those that are made are a simple base and two boards standing at 90 degrees with a notch in them and have burgundy felt to protect the Pace Stick. I've added a WW2 REME Capbadge and a current one. A mobile phone rest is at the back. A brass name plaque will be added by his wife. It's made in White Oak and stained cherry because Cherry is very expensive, especially for the thickness I needed.*
* A Pace Stick, for those that don't know, is the 'stick' that Sergeant Majors carry around with them. It is seem as one of the accoutrements of office. It opens up to be used for measuring the 'pace' or 'step' during foot drill.

* A Pace Stick, for those that don't know, is the 'stick' that Sergeant Majors carry around with them. It is seem as one of the accoutrements of office. It opens up to be used for measuring the 'pace' or 'step' during foot drill.