This is a bit of an experiment. Most forums I've been on have had a "Post pics of [something topical]" thread, but not this one. There's probably a good reason for that, but I'm going to stick my neck out anyway.
The idea is, quite simply, to post a photo of the last thing you made. It can be something quite insignificant, a component of something bigger, or a completed project. It can be something that's not thread-worthy on its own, or it can be something that already has a 9 page WIP thread in the Projects section, it really doesn't matter! It's just a bit of fun, but hopefully it will generate some discussion too.
So here's my offering to get the ball rolling. I could have posted a photo of a mug of tea, but that's hardly relevant. This is a replacement guide knob for SWMBO's Burgess bandsaw. Formally it was in the care of her Dad, who isn't the most mechanically minded, hence why it needed a bit of a spruce up before going back into service!
This Lazy Kate was made for a friend who spins yarn from her alpacas and then interlaces the yarn. The oak board from which it was made had a knot hole which is incorporated into the base. The stainless steel rods and knobs were made to mate with filing (a chainsaw file chucked into a portable drill to enlarge the hole a bit) and hammer blows. The mahogany stain was applied as a glaze to an initial coat of shellac and was protected with a final coat of Tru-Oil, a product used chiefly on gunstocks. This sequence is alchemy, not thoughtful intent, but my friend says the color closely matches the color of her Kromski spinning wheel.