The gate looks to be well constructed, but if I was being picky I'd say the layout of the timbers could have been better thought through. The lower panel is constructed from 16 components, 13 of them look to be quarter sawn with a "stripey" grain pattern, and three are flat sawn with a "cathedral" grain pattern. All the boards on the left are quarter sawn and the right hand side has all of the flat sawn components. I'd have preferred it if the panel had all been made from quarter sawn stock or, if the wastage allowance wouldn't permit, then the flat sawn boards had been balanced from left to right.
I appreciate many might say this is over fussy, but the whole point of individual craftsmanship is to get these kind of details right, as opposed to the commercial alternative where boards are just thrown together in whatever order they emerge from the four sided planer. And I see you've taken care elsewhere in the gate to use quarter sawn for the stiles and flat sawn for the rails, which gives the gate a very harmonious look.