Humm. That is certainly a good way to get stability, but not the only one.
What I have is a bench that is a knockdown one but on steroids, the 2 end pieces have joints that will never work or move the glue surface is just too big (double M/T that are 10cm x 10cm each so 800sq cm per end) then the long rails are attached with 30cm coach bolts and the top held down with wall plate J bolts. The whole thing is probably over 100kg with storage underneath the top, it’s also on wheels so that reduces the racking forces.
Steroids, indeed! But your photo looks to show just the sort of panels I'm talking about, both down the long side (with French cleats attached) and the end (complete with nifty paper towel holders)
(For me, the thought of a bench that size, taking off across the floor like Torville and Dean doesn't appeal though.)