Aahh glad you've put this up, (which looks brilliant btw.) I've been looking at a book on creating these but have so far stopped myself from getting yet another 'craft to try'

Is this as interesting as it looks or do you think it could quickly become a bit 'samey'? What wood species did you use?
Hi. My name is Trevor and I am a Kumiko addict. Since I discovered my first YouTube video on Kumiko early on during lockdown, it has taken over my waking hours.
Ok, I exaggerate considerably but I have got a lot of enjoyment from several kumiko inspired projects over the last 10 months. I don't find it too samey - certainly no more than a lot of woodworking processes might appear to be samey. What I would same is that it is time consuming but the satisfaction of the final result, for me, is ample reward. Almost equal tot he satisfaction of the finished object is the creation of successful jigs to aid preparation and completion of the projects.
I have used both lime and maple for the kumiko strips as well odd bits of interesting hardwood scraps for occasional accents. The lime is very nice to use with hand tools and the maple cuts well with jigs on the table saw.
The first project was a small side lamp.
The next project design was inspired by
Des King whose videos were the start of my voyage of discovery. This is a 'Coaster Panel'.
I forget for the source of inspiration for the display stand below
The following tealight shades served as last year's Christmas gifts for the family. Used with an LED tealight they are very effective (and safe).
Finally, I made a ceiling shade for our dining room. In this I used cellophane wrapping sheets to add colour to the project. The right hand shows a single panel against daylight.
The next project is based on a hexagonal box made by
Mike Farrington which I will use to hold pot pourri (next year's Christmas gifts, perhaps).