New member
Hi Everyone,
Just starting out with a very basic Parkside lathe. I want to get a small chuck for it but think I will need an adapter. I had it one day and the end of the tail stock snapped off, and the.tool rest kept coming undone. Still you get what you pay for, so I will use it for now, when the place I got it from, sends me the new parts. I was lucky as my son bought one down in Oxford and he was using it when the tool rest just exploded into little bits.
Just starting out with a very basic Parkside lathe. I want to get a small chuck for it but think I will need an adapter. I had it one day and the end of the tail stock snapped off, and the.tool rest kept coming undone. Still you get what you pay for, so I will use it for now, when the place I got it from, sends me the new parts. I was lucky as my son bought one down in Oxford and he was using it when the tool rest just exploded into little bits.