Polyurethane glue for joinery?


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Established Member
3 Aug 2008
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North London
Hi, I have to add strips to the edges of some Ash doors. Do you think I would be best advised to use a polyurethane glue? I have used poly for construction a lot but never for anything finer as it can be a bit messy to use. Any other suggestions for a glue likely to perform well in all weathers? Advice much appreciated. :)
Any reason for using ash in all weathers as its classed as a perishable hardwood :(

West Systems Epoxy would stand upto all weathers but its about a messy as PU to use.

Maybe titebond III but I've not tried it myself.

Hi Jason, thanks for the reply. Reason for using Ash? liked the look of the wood. Sounds like maybe an ignorant decision but they are made now, so they are going in! :lol: I have used West system with great results but again not where overspill is important. I wondered about Titebond Ultimate but have never used it before. Has anyone else?
The Titebond III can leave a dark glue line which maynot be what you want on ash, I'm sure some of the members that have used it will chip in soon.

Welcome to the forum BTW.

Thanks for the info and the welcome. :) Dark glueline would not be good. I would probably have that problem with Poly. :(
I have used Titebond III, it dries with a light brown glue line, not clear like most other PVA glues.
I have never used a ploy glue so cannot compare the results.
Protected properly Ash is no worse than softwood. I'd use PU.

another vote for PU

its cures to a light yellowish colour. not too far out form ash

Thanks guys. The Ash is going to be oiled. No matter how economical I am with the PU, to get an even coverage I will probably end up applying too much. Do you think that the overspill will prevent the oil penetrating? Obviously I will go over the doors with a sander to finish before oiling. I guess the Titebond would be close in colour as well... :?
you can mask the edges that you dont want the glue to affect. packing tape is cheap and does the trick :)
I use this pretty much exclusively these days. Any overspill can be easily removed with a scraper once dried.
Many thanks for the replies. :D I usually use the Wudcare PU. Seems very good. Any real difference between makes?