POLL ===== Segmented Turning ?


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Segmented Turning ?

  • Yes its great

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  • Yes its OK

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  • No , not keen

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  • MArmite , not for me

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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Segmented turning ?

Is it just me ?

I know it takes ages to do ,

and you need the patience of a Saint

And you end up with a turned item

Must be like Marmite , you either love it or hate it :?

And its the latter for me ,

I have tried over the years to come to terms with it , to no avail

In my eyes it looks a mess , odd shaped pieces of wood , different grain structures , different colours ,

NO disrespect to the turners that do it , but sorry , its not my cup of Tea :(
To me most of it is the height of naff although some of it is quite clever and have to say that I find most pyrographed turning naff as well. Having said that there is nothing wrong with naff. If it sells and its naff then thats all there is to it.
I think you need just one more tick box.......

as in--- "neither for it, nor against it"


"don't knock it till you've tried it"...??

Not really my thing but I do admire the skill it takes to do well.

Whilst I fully appreciate the workmanship and time that goes into it, I agree it detracts from the natural beauty of the wood, may as well be bit of lego its made from.
Segmented turning is not something I aspire to doing, but I can certainly appreciate the time and workmanship involved. I don't think I'd have the patience for it, although I have in the past (mostly unsuccessfully) laminated pieces of wood together to make a box blank for decorative effect (a stripe of dark wood down through a pale box).

It's also a neat way of using up small leftover bits of wood!

Love doing it, made three segmented pieces and designed each of mine using this software http://www.segmentedturning.com/software.htm
but unlike normal turning quite time consuming I would estimate actual turning is about 5% of making a segmented bowl. Some really talented segmenters out there. The site mentioned by Loz http://www.tahoeturner.com is run by Malcolm Tibbets a very helpful and clever turner I bought his dvd`s.
Not sure which one to pick to be honest. I don't do it and frankly can't be ar*ed messing about with little bits of wood, and all that pre planning!!! Makes my head hurt just thinking about it....

....that said, there are some fantastic pieces out there, well executed with good combinations of timbers etc etc.



Inspired by Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech".


Malcolm's work is incredible in terms of technique and I like the sculptural pieces he's doing at the moment, but stuff like this:


Leaves me cold. I just don't think it's attractive to look at. Despite the immense skill involved.

This is cool:


It's the same as with all turning, it's all in the eye of the beholder. How many times on here have we seen a piece posted and 50% like it and 50% don't. Though with segmented turning, the odds on it looking like a dogs dinner, are high.
Though not a huge fan of segmented work, Malcolm's work and others like him leave me in awe whether I like it or not. Personally I love his pieces interpreting the Native American pottery. Proving Tom's point, the geometric stuff that he likes does nothing for me apart from envy the patience and skill involved.

I appreciate the amount of work that goes into these turnings. Not all are pretty or saleable, but I have seen some drek on these pages made of one piece of wood. Try the book by William Smith called Segmented Wood Turning.
Voted Marmite, even though I actually like marmite!! There is a difference between segmented which whislt SOMETIMES very clever is often either over done, or looks like someone has too much plank wood and can not find another use for it! and Laminated which very often produces starling effects. I would suggest that the cool candle balls are laminated rather than segmented.

Any ideas?

Some pieces are stunning, some maybe not so much...
never tried it yet, although I'd like to.. just to see what I could achieve, but I think i prefer most pieces which are just a single variety of wood, made from a single uniform blank.

But sure as eggs is eggs .. I'll see something tomorrow or the next day, which will completely turn my ' eezie-ozie' viewpoint on its head ! 8)
I was checking on my website statistics and I noticed quite a few “hits” coming from this site – a site that I was not familiar with. So I paid a visit and much to my delight, read this thread on segmented woodturning. Thanks to those that paid me a compliment (and no hard feeling to those that don’t really care for segmented turning). Perhaps the best thing about woodturning is the incredible range of possibilities – there’s something for everyone. For those that are interested in segmented work, there is a new AAW chapter for just segmenters; here is the website: http://segmentedwoodturners.org/

Happy Turning, :)
tahoeturner":2rldj5q2 said:
I was checking on my website statistics and I noticed quite a few “hits” coming from this site – a site that I was not familiar with. So I paid a visit and much to my delight, read this thread on segmented woodturning. Thanks to those that paid me a compliment (and no hard feeling to those that don’t really care for segmented turning). Perhaps the best thing about woodturning is the incredible range of possibilities – there’s something for everyone. For those that are interested in segmented work, there is a new AAW chapter for just segmenters; here is the website: http://segmentedwoodturners.org/

Happy Turning, :)
Hi, you got caught by the spam trap (a few more posts and you'll be clear) - quoted so that the website is easy to access
Like others I see it as just another type of wood - some people do amazing stuff (either technically amazing or having fanatics effects - the vortex series for instance) and others make the wood equivalent of granny seaters or 60's Aaron sweaters. Much of the Aaron sweater stuff is technically difficult and leaves me cold.

It's all turning and it's all in the eye of the beholder :)
