A great deal, ply is just a generic name and comes in various grades and has different uses. At one end you get shuttering ply and at the other Birch ply with a massive price difference and many choices in between. You get ply with two really decent faces, one decent and one ok or just two ok, all depends upon what you are doing with it and you also get stuff that has had fancy patches used to make good some of the imperfections. Another aspect is the number of layers, how it has been laid and cheaper stuff will have more voids and be more prone to de-laminating . It is work doing some homework on as it could save you buying the wrong stuff and knowing what is what gives you some heads up when buying. If you want decent then find a proper timber supplier because the DIY sheds often sell the stuff only DIY'ers want, I have used it for shuttering when on offer once simply down to cost and it was all it was fit for anyway.