PLEASE READ! Your Competition feedback needed

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re lead time..... the way work's messing with my shop time I'd need 6 months notice to make a bench hook......

<suffering withdrawl...
My own lack of time in the workshop renders any resposne here more or less academic, but here's my tuppence-worth.

Specifying a 'thing' will always limit the response, whatever it is. If you ask for chairs/tables/beds/blanket chests, the vast majority of people will fall into the category of not having enough room, wood, or relatives to make a chair/table/bed/blanket chest worthwile.

So it's a better bet to specify an aspect of woodworking that applies across a wide range of objects. It seems to me that something like the 2x4 challenge gives most people the most opportunities to enter, or 'something with dovetails' or 'something with wedged tenons' or whatever.
So it's a better bet to specify an aspect of woodworking that applies across a wide range of objects. It seems to me that something like the 2x4 challenge gives most people the most opportunities to enter, or 'something with dovetails' or 'something with wedged tenons' or whatever.

I'm with Pete on this one. A single item may limit the response. I would like to see one area for hand tools only, but open class. Would get a nice variety of things produced.

I would personally like to have a section in which you design, detail, markout and make yourself and not from plans or cutting list. I feel this is the beginning stages of woodworking that people miss out. But also limit the amount of timber used to a minimum just to see what can be achieved from a single board.

To me there are two types of WW on here - large and small. Everyone can make small stuff, we cant all make furniture and big stuff. Limitations of equipment are always an issue as is time and skill level. Any type of build item X usually restricts by tools available so we either need to pick something that can be made by a tool alot of people have, or something that can be made in several ways. The only other alternative is to specify the starting material and let people free form from there - be it a 2x4, or a sheet of ply or even a weight of timber. Some initial thoughts I had were:

tool restricted - scroll saw competition (look at the interest the spitfire produced) either all doing same pattern, or different patterns on one subject etc. Problem - not everyone has a scroll saw and how do you judge 15 identical scroll art pictures, does it just become a finishing competition instead?

Non-tool restricted - a wooden puzzle. Something that has multiple small pieces and requires some degree of skill to make due to fine tolerances but that doesnt require masses of equipment. Categories could then be in the form of puzzle difficulty? eg easy is a planar puzzle with no interlocking pieces (think polyminoes or Archimedes loculus) medium something like grandpas wonder puzzle, hard - large interlocking multiple piece jobbies. There are numerous sources of info on the internet particularly for polyminoes although they are usually mathmatical sites rather than woodworking ones. Interlocking burr puzzles are out there, as are Japanese puzzle boxes (now theres a real hard category) for inspiration, or the judges could specify the puzzle to be attempted in each category. Problem - how do you judge something thats supposed to be tactile not just aesthetic?

I am not a major fan of beginner/intermediate/expert and would prefer open class fields, but perhaps we could specify the difficulty of the project as the category - easy medium hard then people could attempt whichever they felt up to and would be judged against only those who made the same level of item?

Tim, think outside the box, chum. Tools doesn't have to automatically mean ones for woodworking. I know, scary idea, eh? :wink:

Some thoughts based on the thread and private suggestions:

1. Tool restrictive - well it's just that; not everyone who wanted to enter would necessarily have the required tools.
2. Material restrictive - not everyone has the means to get a 2x4 or whathaveyou. A cost limit would favour folks with easy access to materials too.
3. Space restictive - anything you like as long as it doesn't measure more than AxBxC. As long as we can think of some sensible dimensions, that has possibilities.
4. Joint restrictive - another possibilty, but the choice of joint is tricky if you want to make it open to as many members as possible.

It seemed to me you want to aim for as many options for entries as possible to include everyone - from general woodworkers to the specialists like the turners and scrollers. And it needs to be something that people find interesting. You can claim that furniture or whathaveyou is what it's all about, but the truth is the stuff that gets most drooling from us all is tool and workshop related. :oops: One last thing; if the options within the competition are too wide ranging, it's going to be murder to judge - and remember, you lot are going to have to do some of that too... :wink:

Cheers, Alf
OK, so it needs to be something to suit a range of abilities, that is not too restrictive and something that lets people use their imagination. How about.......

A box, chest or container made predominantly from wood that requires a hidden mechanism or lock to open it or a box chest or container that has a hidden or secret compartment/drawer. (Norms jewellery box would not be allowed :twisted: )

StevieB":vvwfxjil said:
A box, chest or containerSteve.

Theres the catch (!). My recent output is 1 x box, 1 x chest (WIP) and 1 x container. :oops: Don't think I'll make any more.

How about these for some categories:
  • - Most number of different joints used in a 'real' project within these dimensions AxBxC (12"x12"x6") - Suitable for the more experienced woodworker (What a chance to show off there)
    - Workshop accesory. So, not a bit of furniture, but some useful jig or storage unit etc
    - Best project guide, clearest, easiest to follow - Perhaps better for a beginner. It's more about writing a useful guide than the practical skills
Each of these lend themselves nicely to being compiled into some readable format that would benefit all. Who knows we could even sell some off for charity?
(Sorry for not PMing this, I think it might help if everyone can follow the progess of this thread.)
Alf":2igb5apv said:
Tim, think outside the box, chum. Tools doesn't have to automatically mean ones for woodworking. I know, scary idea, eh?

Alf - I understand that but it also generally requires an ability/ desire to metalwork plus you did say:

Alf":2igb5apv said:
they would all be hand tools such as marking gauges, chisels, planes and marking knives.

:wink: :D

I do think you guys should just call it. I also think that entries won't be limited so much by the category or project or by will but by other constraints that may well limit entry into any competition like time and other committments. I know I would want to enter but I'm also not confident that I could get it done in time although I'd try.


tim":2dkfb6sm said:
I do think you guys should just call it.

I tend to agree.

To all the Mods
The more I read this thread the harder the organisational aspects of a competition appear to be, Of course not everyone will be happy and not everyone will enter.

I appeciate very much the effort involved in setting up a competition and no matter what the categories are I am sure I will find one to suit.


Why not "Something useful " for the house, with the enphasis on useful.That would open up the skill base and allow for ones own ingenuity.
Hi -

How about a twist on the "2x4" competition...only this time - limit the tools...

I.e. - what can you make with 4 tools (3 tools and 1 machine, 2 machines 2 tools etc...)

That way - everyone can practise their style of woodworking, but still be constrained.

Cheers -

mr":sazmbxjq said:
I.e. - what can you make with 4 tools (3 tools and 1 machine, 2 machines 2 tools etc...)

How about no machines.

Kinda cuts out the Woodturners.... :shock:

Doesn't have to be four either - just some minimalist number...

What it does is force some creative problem solving, and may encourage people to try some new techniques...

Cheers -

I'd caution against too many limitations on projects, or the number of entries might be even lower than last time. The fewer the number of tools or types of material that can be used, the longer it will take to complete a project and the more arduous it will be to undertake.

I am with Gill here, if you limit the tools that can be used you may lose some entrants.

The fact is there are going to be some members who will find it a lot harder and so slower to use non tailed hand tools then others with more experience, and are put off by this.
Then there are those that might have come into woodworking using only electric tools and machinery and have produced some excellent projects using these, but they are put off from entering because they have never picked up a chisel or plane in their life.

Just a thought


The fact is there are going to be some members who will find it a lot harder and so slower to use non tailed hand tools then others with more experience, and are put off by this.
Then of course theres those of us who cant afford to buy machinery or dont have the space for it and work with what we have to hand. Or the begginners working with handtools only because thats the way to gain the experience you mention. Hence the need the classes of entry, either in terms of ability or in terms of restrictions in tooling. Just a thought.
I like the ideas like 2x4 challenge, the 8x4 sheet challenge and something you'd give as a present.

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