Plastic Trunking Fire cable clips and other stuff Help

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Established Member
14 Oct 2011
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I think I’m going mad! I have had plastic trunking that’s 100x50 installed around the workshop. Now, I’m about to start wiring everything up, but to comply with the last ext standards I need to add fire rated cable clips in certain areas. Can I find cable clips that are 100x50? Nope. I can find every size smaller, but not a single clip that will just fit into the trunking and hold all of the wires. Ive searching for Fire rated cable clips 100x50 and 100x100. I’m getting zero hits. Does such a thing exist? Do they expect you to use two say two 50x50 clips (if they exist, I can find 50x40)

I also want to but up against the trunking the power switches, so no conduit between the trunking and the switch. I recall you used to be able to get what I will call interconnects, that in essence was a hollow bolt and nut that allowed you to do this and maintain a smooth passage for the wires. Again, can I find such a thing? No! Do they still exist and if so what is the correct technical name?


PS I have the technical knowledge and ability to wire up stuff. It’s been nearly 25 years since I was involved with the IEEE wiring regs.
Not fitted PVC trunking that size, only the 50mm X 50mm (anything bigger and I would use steel trunking or tray) we used a 46mm clip, but they only had about 30mm deep capacity, the theory is to keep within the permissible space factor allowance in the trunking.

You are probably looking for male brass bushes and locknuts/rings and/or even threaded couplers as well:
Thanks @HOJ, the male brass bushes are exactly what I couldn’t find. Just need to sort out the clips.
Spot on, male and female brass bushes in 20, 25mm or bigger.
Two male brass bushes can be used with a galvanised coupler intended for joining steel tube conduit to do the same job with an inch or so gap rather than direct contact.

I haven't tried to find fire rated cable clips as big as you need, the last time I needed some I used these 50mm sizes ones and made separate bundles inside the 100x50mm trunking I was using.


The last option, there's a variant of these like a steel tie wrap with a steel tab that screws to the wall with or without trunking or conduit. Thread through the tab and around the bundle, pull snug and fold back the end. I think these can be had in lengths long enough to do your job.

These would do ...
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