Hello everyone! My first post here, nice to e-meet you all
I am planning my second shop project, just finished a workbench and now I want to make a table saw using a circular saw attached under the top.
Felipe, welcome to the forum, you will find you get lots of advice, probably more than you wish for at times.
A good tables saw is at the heart of cabinet making, however I would recommend that you wait a while before considering getting one, either buying, repairing or making. A mediocre table saw is a pain, and its probably the most hazardous tool in the garage/shop.
Unless you are making a lot of stuff, I'd start by doing things by hand and ideally asking your local wood merchant to do the ripping to size for you on their professional saws. So if you can be patient cut things by hand to start with, its what they did for centuries and you will have a better idea of what you really need. There are other options, which might meet your needs better when you know what you like making and the size of your shop etc, consider a track saw or a band saw. There are lots of fun project to do such as attachments to your bench or tool racks, storage space etc.
I recommend taking time to get a decent TS and read a few reviews on TS safety. Beware of US YouTube channels on TS's they are full of really bad advice regarding TS - they promote weird push blocks that go over the blade and often take the guard off and then wonder why they have accidents.
I used hand tools for years before buying a hobby table saw - which was a mistake, I should have asked this forum but I bought a 10'' amateur TS and then spent ages making a decent fence and putting second hand extrusion round the table to strengthen and level it, re-plumbed the dust collection. I will at some stage invest in something better, but I've probably spend 50 to 100 hours fettling a poorly engineered saw.