Hi Olly! I've been thinking, not good I know!
This is why a cough up cash to the chap at the centre, this is my 'score' from the last few years.
2 woodworking lathes...
1 watch makers lathe...
4 small table saws...
2 10 inch circular saws...
1 brand new hand planer...
4 compressors...
1 workshop air filter...
4 routers...
1 cordless drill...
1 small milling machine...
2 Stanley No 4s...
1 Record block plane...
1 Stanley block plane...
1 Record No 6...
1 Record No 5...
Countless numbers of Drill, Augers, taps, Dies, Files and Lathe tools...
Rod and bar in Brass, Copper, Alli, SS and MS...
More hardwood than I can store...
1 Hand operated sharpening wheel...
1 Boxed Black Arkansas stone...
Numerous chisels and gouges...
Loads of HD castors...
1 Rosewood scribing block...
2 5/8 inch No2 Morse taper drill chucks and a lot of fun bring most of it back into use!
Some of the stuff was beyond repair and was used for knobs, levers, NVRs etc but a surprising amount was easily salvageable and I passed on to other woodies.