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Established Member
11 Nov 2007
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Picked up these three little 'gems' from my recycling centre this morning...





...there should be a society for the protection of tools!

Love the green!!!

Very fetching isn't it? :lol:
The number 4 is junk Phil, not even a maker's name, but three pound for the trio, who cares? I can always use it as a paper weight!
I rather like the No 5s for the work I do and I currently I don't have one.


The No4 will give you the studding you need for the No5, looks like they are from a school/college with that green paint might be wood underneath!!!

I took the handle off the 4 Pete and there is wood underneath, the other two are old Record's so I expect there will be wood there as well, the handle on the four is a different size to the fitting on the five, so I feel some tote making coming on!


I just don't understand anyone , no matter how cheap there tools may be treating them like that, should have there finger chopped off.hc
I actually met the guy who dumped them, 'what do you want them for, they're useless!' he informed me.

Digit":3i5x7qw8 said:
[...but three pound for the trio, who cares?

What, you payed money for these when the guy was throwing them away?!? :shock: :wink:

There's usually a big sign in these places that states something along the lines of 'no trading' or 'exchange of money' can take place on this site. :roll: :wink:
I always tip the chap in charge of the centre so that I can rely on him to keep stuff for me. He asked for three pounds and I was happy to pay it.
Non-payment is the rule of course but as my mum used to say, 'there's no taste in nothing'.

The number five has started to clean up quite nicely. I was surprised to find that the sole is flat with the cheeks at right angles and a Bedrock frog.
The explanation came as I removed some rust from the lateral adjuster, 'War Finish', it states!

Hi, Digit

Bedrock frog on a Record?????? pic please.

Unless I have mistaken the description of a Bedrock Pete. The older, more solid frog with the larger flat surface for bedding the iron, am I correct?
Pics will follow as I find time to continue fettling.

Just looked the subject up on the Net Pete, we live and learn, I have been under an illusion for some years I now find.
Anyway, the earlier type frog!!


I have a Record War finish 4 1/2 with the nice flat faced frog its a very nice plane, but not as nice as my pre ww2 stayset with rosewood handles.
I am looking forward to seeing it cleaned up and ready to go.

I tend not to go what I consider is 'overboard' on the cleaning up Pete, my main object is to return a nice tool to usable condition.
I have always thought the fives as a rather nice combination of weight and size, above that they are IMO rather heavy for sustained usage.
There was no iron with it so I will have to see what I have in store, normally I widen the mouth, lengthen the top end of the adjuster and fit a laminated iron from an old woody.

Hi Olly! I've been thinking, not good I know!
This is why a cough up cash to the chap at the centre, this is my 'score' from the last few years.
2 woodworking lathes...
1 watch makers lathe...
4 small table saws...
2 10 inch circular saws...
1 brand new hand planer...
4 compressors...
1 workshop air filter...
4 routers...
1 cordless drill...
1 small milling machine...
2 Stanley No 4s...
1 Record block plane...
1 Stanley block plane...
1 Record No 6...
1 Record No 5...
Countless numbers of Drill, Augers, taps, Dies, Files and Lathe tools...
Rod and bar in Brass, Copper, Alli, SS and MS...
More hardwood than I can store...
1 Hand operated sharpening wheel...
1 Boxed Black Arkansas stone...
Numerous chisels and gouges...
Loads of HD castors...
1 Rosewood scribing block...
2 5/8 inch No2 Morse taper drill chucks and a lot of fun bring most of it back into use!
Some of the stuff was beyond repair and was used for knobs, levers, NVRs etc but a surprising amount was easily salvageable and I passed on to other woodies.
