Well, erm, here's mine...
It is secure (I can lock it!). I've been meaning to put some drawers in below my workbench for over six-months now; I just haven't had the time. I'm also thinking of putting a sheet of ply, MDF or chipboard on the wall behind my 'bench, painting it white and hanging all my low-profile tools (mostly measuring and marking) on there - quite like Rob's 'Tool Wall' idea. Larger planes and things will have to go in the drawers, when I get around to making them.
Like you, I'm also concerned that a proper cabinet would interfere with larger projects on my bench. Until recently, my "odds'n'sodds" shelf [below] was directly behind the bench and often got in the way (then again, it sticks out about 6in.)
I also hang most of my hand saws off the end of the frame of my bench:
(I have since raised it up a bit, so there is more clearance for the longer saws... To actually

By the way, was
this the thread you were looking for?
I can only imagine it is easier to grab a plane that is lying on its side. But, if you are worried about projection then, I reckon you should standing them on their soles or vertically.