That look on somebody's face when they realize that no matter how sharp the saw, plane iron, chisel, etc. it's still damn hard work.
The poor, newly-minted "hand tool woodworker" (soon to be an internet hand tool 'expert' for after all he has enough to outfit four shops) is totally gassed after four squaring and thicknessing a decent sized 4/4 rough board down to 13/16". "Why, surely something must be wrong" he says. And the journey starts -- sharpening stones, jigs, grinders, tool steels, metallurgical theory, and all the rest of it. And at some point he does really get a sharp edge, pulls out another test board, and it made him just as tired and worn out as the one that started the odyssey in the first place.
"Say, didn't I see a sale pamphlet on Felder power equipment the other day."
And so it goes...