Pivot window/door options? Advice needed


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Established Member
17 Jun 2019
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My better half wants to double the height of a kitchen window, installing a single 2m x 1m window almost to floor level using a double glazed panel in a softwood timber frame as costs will be virtually nil if we can scrounge the glazing from the “please take” pile at our local UPVC workshop, I wondered about taking the opportunity to instal a pivot mechanism of some sort to keep the frame slim and create a new door to the garden but I have never done any kind of window joinery and my repertoire of power tools extends only as far as a jigsaw and 25 year old plunge router. Where would I begin? Educate me please…
How about using friction hinges (like on upvc windows) with a fire egress function so they open to 90 degrees.

I get the TSG, but the window doesn’t overlook a neighbour and I’m not moving the lintel, so informing the council is a surprise. If it’s a (pivoting) window, not a new door, then there’s no change of function?
Any replacement window should be signed off by Building Control or done by someone who is FENSA registered.

If doing it yourself through building control you will need to prove it meets the regs for U values etc plus they will charge you something like £200 for the application.
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Mmmm, the gorilla who “fitted” my windows was FENSA registered and in high winds my windows can rival any harmonica for tone qualities (while he charged me 2 days pay per window ). Guess I’ll have to have a chat with the council then.
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Unfortunately because FENSA is self certification it doesn't seem to be a guarantee of quality work.
The certificate you get from FENSA is full of disclaimers and to some extent worthless. It does avoid the need for building control certification and is useful when you sell the house (as we, or our heirs, all will one day) so you can provide the paper that the buyers solicitor will ask for.
So, building regs to one side, any advice on how to make one? Frame cross sections and pointers toward pivot mechanisms would be really handy if I have to take drawings to the council….