Pigeon loft design


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What goes around comes around.
7 Jul 2010
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Grandson wants beginners one pair pigeon-loft making. Simple design with matchboard (I've got a lot of it)
Any good designs out there!
I'll get me drawing board out anyway.
Any recommended books?
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Have taken the first step - which is to explain how you don't just go into the workshop and start nailing the thing together - you have to think about it first, i.e. "design" it.
First principle of good design is to copy - so he's having a look at stuff on line and hopefully might do a bit of a sketch with some measurements and some ideas about what is needed.
Should I be showing him first how to use a drawing board? Maybe a good idea - it's simple stuff and once learnt never forgotten.
my dad was a pigeon racer. if he's racing he will need a totally different set up( flying widowhood or natural?)

join a homing union and get a flat cap. if he's just enjoying the fithers then disregard this gibberish. it really is a totally different world and popular in Belgium.
Have taken the first step - which is to explain how you don't just go into the workshop and start nailing the thing together - you have to think about it first, i.e. "design" it.


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