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At least this has pretty much stayed 'on topic'So 41+ posts in, have we reached a conclusion.
Well....I've kept mine, after swapping the first.
All the no doubt well-meant advice involved buying "better quality" - in other words, spending more - and in a few cases having to also buy a supplementary tool as well! A router, at God knows what cost. If I'd suggested a Lidl/Aldi job, no doubt the same well-meant folk would've cried "Oh! You don't want one of them! Get one of these!"
I won't be using the Parkside job every day. The only thing on the horizon is a basic, rectangular wooden box/small chest for some tools. I'm not copying a Louis Xiv cabinet that I spotted in Versailles...
It's good enough for what I want it for. I don't need a zircon encrusted job that costs a small fortune.
Is the juice worth the squeeze? Is the cheap price worth the hassle of set-up versus a better version?
Our local "Parkside Dealer" had one biscuit jointer still in stock and quite a few of the apparently useless sharpening stations - I came out with a mini-gas soldering iron-cum-mini-hot-air-gun.