I'm turning-deficient at the moment - spent the last couple of weeks erecting and dismantling scaffolding (a new skill learnt!) and sanding and painting fascias and soffits, and replacing guttering in between. Jim, my 'tutor', arranged the lorry load of scaffolding bits and when we started said, "safety's the most important thing." Me: "Have you got a hard hat?" Jim, "Oh, yea, you gotta have one. It's in the car, never bother to wear it though!" :roll: :roll: Amazingly I am still in one piece - but we haven't finished yet. 8-[
Anyway, I am very sensitive to dust, so sanding work on the lathe was a problem. To cut the story short I have ended up with a full-face respirator (with inbuilt battery pack) and a Microclene 1000 filter positioned above the lathe. The Microclene goes on before I start sanding, I wear the respirator whilst working, then leave the filter running for a further 20 mins. or so to clear all the fine dust which cannot be seen but is hanging in the air (a look at the filter afterwards shows just how much of it there was). Works for me with no more problems with irritation, sore throats, etc. I follow the same procedure if I have to use a scraper and when cutting 'dusty' woods (spalted beech can be one). Although I don't use one, a large cone accessory is available for the Microclene 1000 so that the full effect of the filter suction can be directed above your work on the lathe. I do have a chip/dust extractor but don't use it for lathe work.
The kit is not cheap for 'unproductive' equipment but I wouldn't be without it now. FWIW.