Brothers, I have many infill planes, in various conditions, some user-made and some branded planes from Spiers, Norris (pre and post war, & one "Buck" made by ?), Mathieson, "Tyzach" (made by ?), Slater, etc.
Generally speaking, I have found that the cast planes seem to be heavier, which I like. They mostly appear to be of the "Scottish" persuasion. Some have large casting defects (large pits) which I tend to excuse, barring one that has the defect at the mouth (I still don't know what I will do about that!).
The gunmetal planes are beautiful (IMO) and of course, are free of rust and/or pitting. They seem to wear well enough, and tend to be a bit heavier. I tend to prefer them (an admittedly entirely cosmetic opinion
I have been able to get most to work reasonably well. The adjusters function admirably, but I cannot get past their appearance.
Does anyone have strong preferences for one camp or another?
In closing, I will say that I have been appalled by the condition of some of the finer planes in my collection. In particular, two of my Norris No. 1's; one is heavily rusted, another has numerous huge chips on the furniture, and copious heavy paint spatters all over. The latter appears to have been rudely thrown into a tool box, then rolled-over on a regular basis.
How can anyone disrespect their fine tools in such a manner?
Brothers, I have many infill planes, in various conditions, some user-made and some branded planes from Spiers, Norris (pre and post war, & one "Buck" made by ?), Mathieson, "Tyzach" (made by ?), Slater, etc.
Generally speaking, I have found that the cast planes seem to be heavier, which I like. They mostly appear to be of the "Scottish" persuasion. Some have large casting defects (large pits) which I tend to excuse, barring one that has the defect at the mouth (I still don't know what I will do about that!).
The gunmetal planes are beautiful (IMO) and of course, are free of rust and/or pitting. They seem to wear well enough, and tend to be a bit heavier. I tend to prefer them (an admittedly entirely cosmetic opinion
I have been able to get most to work reasonably well. The adjusters function admirably, but I cannot get past their appearance.
Does anyone have strong preferences for one camp or another?
In closing, I will say that I have been appalled by the condition of some of the finer planes in my collection. In particular, two of my Norris No. 1's; one is heavily rusted, another has numerous huge chips on the furniture, and copious heavy paint spatters all over. The latter appears to have been rudely thrown into a tool box, then rolled-over on a regular basis.
How can anyone disrespect their fine tools in such a manner?