OK - I admit defeat - time to switch off the PC


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
I came across this little news item and have to confess that I haven't the foggiest idea of what they are on about other than it being a bit scary and making me want to go back to pen and paper.


Does anyone else know what they are talking about (and I've been loosely involved with CPU's, microprocessors and computers since the 6800 CPU) ?
I know but....isn't there just TOO much of it now? Always seems to be someone, somewhere trying their very best to mess up your computer and mine?

And a new techo term or concept to get your head round every other day!

And please don;t get me started on all the various bits and bobs to do with audio/hifi/video/DVD watching/DVD recording......... :twisted:
I understand where you are coming from about that there’s always a new internet scam we have to be aware of :evil:

Although people registering typo domains to steal visitors, has been going on for years (somebody has registered ukworkshop.com :roll:). If I'm not sure on a website url I always type it into google first...