Karl":1jqj2nh3 said:
She obviously lists for all the "expenditure" she has made on a property, presumably in accordance with the rules.
Obviously it isn't within the rules - otherwise it wouldn't be a problem would it.
Karl":1jqj2nh3 said:
I'm pretty sure that most of us on Self Assessment returns would put the smallest of legitimate expense receipts through our books in order to minimise our tax liability.
Indeed I'm sure that we do. But I'll guarantee that you also go through every single receipt (or if you're big enough you pay someone to do it for you) in order to try and make sure that your expenses are legitimate - if they aren't then hmrc will come down on you like a big ton of bricks.
Since when has mistake been equivalent to fraud?
Since you check that your expenses are legit, the fact that you put in one that is dodgy at heck then you knew it was there and tried to get away with it - the knowledge that you knew it was there means you were attempting to defraud someone by putting the expense claim in.