Official Secret Santa Picture Thread

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jlawrence":25gao9dx said:
Flush cutting saw came perfectly timed - I used it to cut the excessive length off the fingers.

Bloody hell, that sounds painful. :shock: :D

I'll try and find the camera tomorrow to post pics of my gift.
Thank you very much Secret Santa, whomever you are. (I received a Japanese saw, in a 'Santa made' wooden box.) The saw will be put to good use, I can guarantee that.

Many thanks.
And thanks to Ed for organising this. Sorry to hear you're bowing out, but Waka will make a fine replacement.

I think I should run it next year.

There would be some interesting rules! As it happens, I'll probably be too busy running the world........

wizer":oxwqojpt said:
I suspect there are a lot of missing photos here.
I would love to post a picture but that would require package to be received, I am told it has been posted, I will let you know when it arrives. :?
DaveL":349k8jke said:
wizer":349k8jke said:
I suspect there are a lot of missing photos here.
I would love to post a picture but that would require package to be received, I am told it has been posted, I will let you know when it arrives. :?

Anyway of telling us How many are still outstanding?

Well done to Edsutton for his hard work in running the project, also thumbs up to Waka for picking up the reins.
DaveL":1o4zi6ts said:
wizer":1o4zi6ts said:
I suspect there are a lot of missing photos here.
I would love to post a picture but that would require package to be received, I am told it has been posted, I will let you know when it arrives. :?
Same for me DaveL, I'm still eagerly awaiting my package.
Lots of good gifts in there all, hate to single any out but that plane Ed is a cracker; also another great looking saw from Pedder (thanks again last year's secret santa).

Didn't join in this year as I really feel I should make something and my handtool making skills are fairly non-existent, will see if I can change that over the coming year.

Well done all, you're a credit to each other and the spirit we have here on UKW. Congrats also to Ed for arranging again, well done mate.

A glass raised to men in sheds :eek:ccasion5:
Thanks for the comments Damian.

There has been some excellent toolmaking shown this year. Whilst I never made it compulsory that the gift should be handmade, in truth I see this as the essence of the event. It would exclude a number of people if making the gift was compulsory so probably not a viable route to go, but thats something Waka can decide on when he sets up next years.

My frustration this year, as it was to a lesser extent last year, is that we end up with people not getting something on the day, which in my view takes the shine off. This is due to a combination of the vagaries of the post office and in some cases things simply not being sent in time. In one case it was down to me with an address cock up, so I'm not infallible.

I've been racking my brains to think of a way to solve this and not really come up with anything. One thought that did occur was that a Secret Santa bash could take place, where you turn up with the gift and the exchanges are done there and then for whoever turns up with something. This has geography problems in finding somewhere that everyone could get to so probably doesn't really work. Might be worth considering though, as it means if you turn up with something you're in, if you don't then you're out.

Just some thoughts, its with Waka to tweak things as he sees fit for next year.

Ed I think the current format is fine. I was just as happy to receive a bought present than a hand made one and last year I bought the present I gave. This year I was able to make it, but next year I may not. So I don't think we can lock it down to hand made presents. We could, perhaps let people choose what they want to receive (bought or made) but that doesn't seem in the spirit.

An event\bash sounds like a nice social idea, but the logistics would alienate many santas.

It is a shame that some people didn't receive theirs on time, but as long as they do receive them, then we've all taken part.
I also am still waiting - there was some chaos here in Finland in mid-December with some sort of parcel post strike at the airport, with parcels not getting unloaded from the planes etc, so I wonder if that affected things.

Even so, I think the current format is excellent. The only thing I'd change is to set a price limit/guideline I reckon - although that gets hard to judge with hand made items.
:D I got my secret santa gift yesterday. I tried to save it for new years day but I couldn't resist. Many thanks to my santa for a full dovetail making kit. As you can see I've already opened and played with everything (and stabbed myself getting one of the tip protectors off the dividers #-o - it was stuck)


All I need now is skill, patience and practice to cut perfect dovetails.

As for the format of the SS all I'd do is open it up so that we can give anything wood related. There aren't that many small hand tools to give as gifts and most of us probably have a fair colletction of them anyway. The current buying guidelines preculde books, wood / turning blanks, drill / router bits, abrasives, finishes etc etc which I think would make great gifts for this sort of thing because you can't have too many of them.

As for gifts arriving late, it would have been nice to have been able to open mine on the big day but there was an honest mistake that prevented that happening so I can't complain. A present swapping bash would be nice but I think it would be hard for a lot of people to attend the run up to Christmas is already a busy time for most.

Anyway, twas great fun this year, can't wait for next years.
Glad it got to you eventually.
Let us know how well that dovetail saw works - I've never used a Japanese DS so would be interested in how you get on with it.

I must admit, I wasn't really aware of limitations in pressies as such. But being the 'hand tools' section I wanted it to be hand tool related - no reason I can think of as to why this couldn't be a book.

I've already started giving some thought towards next year. I'm hoping to actually make something so it'll likely take the best part of a full year (and many retries) before it's in state where I'd be happy to give it to anyone.
I wasn't aware that we was not allowed to send items that were not tools? I'd not have thought twice about sending a book or a tin of finish. If there is a single change, it should just be that it's open to anyone. Bought or made items, it doesn't matter. I'm not keen on setting budgets either. It's up to Santa's generosity and the recipient should not consider what they've 'spent' being equal to what they receive.
I agree that there shouldn't be any limits in place.
People will always spend what they can afford - would be daft to spend more than you can afford. It's getting something that someone has either, a) taken the time to make, or b) taken the time to choose, which makes it worth while.
I have to admit it surprised me how much thought has to go into choosing a pressie for something like this.

If a limit were put on things then how would we deal with handmade stuff - factoring in people's time then some of those handmade items would be very expensive.
I must admit I did not read the rules when I entered the SS.

I did try to make something but I have been away so much lately I did not have the time :(
Hence I had to resort to buying some goodies from LVT.

For the future, whilst I think the aim should be to exchange hand made gifts when ever possible, I do not think anything should be precluded as long as it is Woodworking related?

DaveL":13fim6aj said:
wizer":13fim6aj said:
I suspect there are a lot of missing photos here.
I would love to post a picture but that would require package to be received, I am told it has been posted, I will let you know when it arrives. :?

the one i sent recorded has come back to me marked as undeliverable/ not known at the address - could the organisers ask my victim (who wasnt dave btw) to confirm his address, then i'll send it again.
big soft moose":2l4jwn0y said:
could the organisers ask my victim (who wasnt dave btw) to confirm his address, then i'll send it again.

Done. I'll come back to you via PM.

TrimTheKing":11w38wau said:
Have I missed a post somewhere? When did you change your name Ed?

New year, new name. I'm a bit like the Doctor - its still me I've just regenerated...

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