Expert at Jibber-Jabber
Hello everyone
As the title says, it is an odd request.
I have an Axminster planer Thicknesser which is in many ways (at least for what I need) identical to the Record power, Electra Beckham 260 model.
Sometime last year, with less than half the knowledge (always dangerous), I modified (filed away the key edge) the cover plates so much that I have lost the ability to fully lock the indeed table to the body.
Since then I have been using a small G clamp to secure it during use but it is quite fiddly.
Have called up Axi, record power and other manufacturers of the p/t for a spares order and none of them stock that part anymore.
So I wondered if anyone has got the same model Thicknesser which has kicked the bucket for another reason (electrical or mechanical) and are getting rid of it, please let me know first as I'd like to facilitate an "organ donor" arrangement.
Thank you very much in advance and apologies for being an idiot!
As the title says, it is an odd request.
I have an Axminster planer Thicknesser which is in many ways (at least for what I need) identical to the Record power, Electra Beckham 260 model.
Sometime last year, with less than half the knowledge (always dangerous), I modified (filed away the key edge) the cover plates so much that I have lost the ability to fully lock the indeed table to the body.

Since then I have been using a small G clamp to secure it during use but it is quite fiddly.
Have called up Axi, record power and other manufacturers of the p/t for a spares order and none of them stock that part anymore.
So I wondered if anyone has got the same model Thicknesser which has kicked the bucket for another reason (electrical or mechanical) and are getting rid of it, please let me know first as I'd like to facilitate an "organ donor" arrangement.
Thank you very much in advance and apologies for being an idiot!