Oak Ring Box


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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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I keep meaning to take a better pic of this, it's the first one I took in the light tent and it's not great.


Anyway, after Dad saw the ring box Allen and John turned up for me, he wanted one for his wedding. I have to admit that it was supposed to be a finial box but after a lot of problems it ended up like this. Actually, I like the design and I want to make another in the same style.

I didn't hollow the lid as I didn't want to muck it up right at the end. I may do it when I get the new lathe but I'm a bit nervous about using jam chucks. If I knew it was going to be this design, I'd have made a tenon on both ends.

Woddya reckon?
Yes indeedy very nice box Tom. :D
I do like the overall shape it as.
You can take the inner lid out before you shape the outer,when it is in the round still so can be held in the chuck.
Cheers George, that's a real compliment coming from you. Looking at the pics, the curve on the lid is a little clunky, haven't noticed that on the real thing.

Paul, yeh I realised after the fact that I could put a spigot on both ends of the box, part off the lid, hollow it, jam it back on and turn the lid shape. I didn't do this as I was trying to make a finial box initially. That was a topsy turvy ride. I kept getting some good shapes, then c*cking it up and having to alter it. In the end I lopped it off and went with this. I think I'm going to have a go at making a 'stock' of finials that I can add to boxes. This way it doesn't matter it I make a c*ck up, it's all good practise.

Oh and the finish was Osmo PolyX. If I'd had LO I would have used that.
It looks like one that Chris Stott has in his book. Just as good as well. I love the design, elegant and oriental looking. I can imagine this in a polished dark wood as well. Not a bit clunky IMHO

Tony, have a go. It's a little fiddly but great sense of achievement when you get that pop as you take the lid off.

Cheers Mark.

Just found a pic of it with the lid off

Nice box ! - love the shape, hope the sharp point holds on you. I found with oak i had to make shapes like that a little flatter or the point was too weak/soft, and with people handling they tended to get bent !

- and thanks for reminding me to get on with the lighttent !
About 3 weeks ago Johnny. Was waiting to photograph it in the photo tent.
What a lovely little box Tom. A nice, simple design that looks easy but can be tricky to get the proportions right.

Just wondering - what is the dark area inside the base?

Also a note on the light tent - when I first got mine I used the supplied backdrops that came with it but struggled to get rid of the ripples in the backdrop/floor. Now I use a large piece of white card which gently curves down the back and continues onto the floor of the tent and I don't have to worry about creases nearly as much. It also gives me a nice surface off which to take a custom white balance reading.
Using card also gives you a huge range of colours and a few subtle textures to choose from. If you want to try it I found the best place to get the card was art shops, and I found that I needed to put a wide wooden block under the tent to lift the card up a little.

Hope you don't mind the suggestion
