A bowl...no bark, no holes just a simple bowl. 10" dia. 3 1/2" deep with rolled lip in spalted beech. %mm thick overall with small foot and detailed recess. Finished in wax but not highly buffed.
WHAT :!: :!: :shock: :shock:
Is Rustic Pete on the turn :?: :?:
Stay tuned for more thrilling installments :lol: :lol:
Only kidding Pete. :lol:
Looks very nice.Nice big bowl with some nice looking spalting.
I like the rolled lip,and overall shape.
When we move back down to Cornwwall there was a 10' log lying n the undergrowth that I was going to cut up for firewood but once I got back into it the ends were naff but the rest pretty solid so I have dried it out and made a few things from it. Got one or two pieces left.
Don't worry Paul, I am sure that I will continue doing holy turning. Somewhat limited using just a Jet mini so have a pile of wood awaiting work. Just need to sell enough to get a decent lathe.
:shock: Living dangerously there Pete, fingers crossed you don't get an order for a dozen more like that one, you could end up swearing about this type of turning all the way to the bank. :lol:
I had to make some hairsticks in a dark wood for someone recently for them to add silver bits to.Broke my heart but I had to get some long pen blanks off ebay. Mind you 15 180mm blanks for 4.50 inc P&P wasn't too bad. Still went against the grain