Not Really a Tutorial

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SketchUp Guru

Established Member
12 Apr 2005
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Rochester, MN USA
WiZeR said I could take a break so this isn't a tutorial. Thanks WiZeR. ;)

Here's an interesting thing I learned about Podium. The application I show is one thing but there is another implication. Even if you aren't interested in the images, please take a minute to think about how this could also create problems for you and how you can avoid them.

Suppose you want to create the effect of a cone of light coming from a light source as in thie image:

You can draw the cone in SU, make it a group and then add the color to the group. That means don't select the group to edit it before adding the color. It will look like this:


You select the cone and adjust the light slider in Podium. Note in the first image you don't see the cone at all. Only the effect of the light is visible.

This is a pretty cool effect but here's the potential problem. If you have a component or group whose faces have been painted collectively, that is they've been painted without first selecting the component for editing, the component or group will not be visible in the rendered image. If you run into this problem, the simple fix is to explode the component or group and remake it. By exploding it the texture or color is then applied to the individual faces and not to the group or component.

Make sense? I hope so.

There is no need to draw the cone. In the first version there is a sphere inside the shade which is the light source. Gives a moody effect due, I suspect, to the facets on the sphere.

In this second version I made the shade (which doesn't have a bottom face, and is white on the inside) a light source as well.

And for completeness here it is with just the shade as light source.
Nick, I got that from the Podium site. I guess my point was more that if you paint an entire group instead of painting the faces within the group, the group will not appear in the rendered model.
Aahh, which shows me how to have the shade both as a light source and visible :idea:

The downside is that it seems to give off a lot less light that way. :(