Yes it is kosher or maybe halal. In any case, I was concerned that the finish I used should yellow as little as possible and got a couple of types, the Ronseal and a Dulux that claimed to be crystal clear. I tried both but as I mentioned elsewhere, I was having trouble eliminating brush marks (I usually spray or use a rubber to apply finishes) and the Dulux gave me more trouble than the Ronseal.
I did compare the yellowing I got (and I am speaking of the results shortly after applying the finish, I can't speak for the longer term) and I think the Dulux was slightly better on the test pieces I made, However, I went with the Ronseal because I felt I had a chance to make a better job of applying it.
Now, having learnt how to get the sort of smooth finish I wanted, I would be much less concerned about using the Dulux.
The smallest tins (250 ml) are not too expensive and if in doubt I would get two or three as I did and test them.
The bottom line is that the water-borne stuff is far less yellowing than the oil based kinds - indeed, many people find the colouration too cold for their liking and seek to warm it up. However for a pale wood this was not a problem.