New workshop - Flooring

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Established Member
4 Feb 2014
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Hi All,

The build is progressing, currently doing the insulation in the ceiling and walls.

I'm looking for some advice on flooring if you may?

The floor in my workshop is currently a 125mm slab of C35 concrete on top of 100mm Celotex etc. I'm getting to the point of having to make a decision about flooring and am looking for your advice.

I have considered paint, epoxy, chipboard, vinyl flooring but have ended up back at the interlocking 7mm vinyl tiles which seem to withstand a lot and can go straight over the concrete. I ruled out paint due to longevity, epoxy as the length of time the slab needs to cure (Varies wildly) plus i would have to grind the floor to get rid of some imperfections (Long story short, just as we had poured and floated the slab one of my cats appeared on the fence and jumped straight onto the slab then bounced out. The landing point was about the furthest away it could be and we had to fill it back in and try to fix with the float)

The budget is about £500 for a 4x4M floor.

The PVC tiles are easy to lay, can go straight over the concrete etc. Weight isn't a problem and they seem resistant to most stuff. From other thread's on here it seems the way to go is with the flat version with non slip as opposed to the studs or chequers as they are more difficult to brush\clean.


My brother has LVL glued down (luxury vinyl tile) throughout the ground floor of his house they are very sturdy indeed and are like the sort of product used in retail stores etc, if you dont care about the repeating pattern (his are wood effect and only seem to have about 10 variations so you see the repeats).
I would see what the cost of these would be. I would do these in my workshop if I could be bothered to get everything out again.
My current floor is painted chipboard and rubber mats in front of the machinery.

I went a different route last summer and did this. (See thread below). Very happy with it and is in your price range.

Thread 'Garage floor levelling' Garage floor levelling

Hope this helps.
Hi All,

In the end I went with a 7mm interlocked PVC floor tile which i'm very happy with. Looked at the other options above but after getting samples went with the PVC. It's easy to lay and cut. It can be cut with a stanley knife but in the end I used my plunge saw, that said it did clog it up a bit but made life very easy.

These good to walk/stand on as well as roll table saw etc over Jon?

They are noticeably nicer than bare concrete to walk and also kneel on. Not sure about tablesaw but i do have a mechanics troller which is loaded up and also a mechanics type tool cabinet (bottom, mid and top) which is about 6' 4" tall and that is so much easier to move around, same with the compressor. They just glide.

They are designed for use in industrial situations with forklifts and other heavy stuff. They are also pretty solid!

Good to know Jon, anything easier on the feet than concrete is a plus.
I had a similar dilemma with our kitchen floor. But I decided to address experts, at least to make the choice of the material. I found the guys via the Fifty Floor reviews on this site, consulted with them, and ended up buying PVC floor tile. We all like the way it looks and the way it is cleaned.

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