Does the maintenance involve a lot of sweeping? Just wondering about the choice of user name.Just like to say hello to everyone . I am retired almost I’m old enough but I like my work which in a school in Norwich I work in the site team ,2days a week on maintenance of the school.
Hi Paul site team are maintenance team there are 3of us. One mainly drives the tractor to keep the grass cut and white lined. I do all maintenance of the site this means repairing classrooms doors windows etc setting up classrooms and student areas. Different every day the school has about 1800 students for me it’s a great job.Does the maintenance involve a lot of sweeping? Just wondering about the choice of user name.
Welcome to the forum.
Hi stanleymonkey .siteteam 3 of us look after the school general maintenance .1looks after the grounds other guy is here and everywhere I door all internal maintenance doors windows etc setting damage etcWelcome - what do they call you at work? Site manager or caretaker - just curious