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Wood Workers Workshop

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16 Nov 2021
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Threshing Barn, Upton-upon-Severn, Worcs WR8 0SN

NEW Arrivals!

Discover the latest products from Milescraft including the PocketJig200 which allows you to connect your workpieces quickly with strong and accurate pocket hole joints. With more to follow in the next few weeks.

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Milescraft PocketJig200
Create corner joints, edge joints, T-joints, framing joints, mitre joints, and make repairs. With built-in settings for different board thicknesses, just set this pocket jig to your desired setting, set the depth of your bit, and start drilling. This complete kit in a sturdy carrying case comes with all of the bits, drivers, screws and accessories needed to complete any pocket hole project.​

ONLY £39.95


Milescraft PocketJig200


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Milescraft FaceClamp 3"


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Milescraft FaceClamp 6"


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Milescraft Clamp Anchors


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Milescraft DrillMate (For 43mm Collar Drills)


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Milescraft CounterBit Countersink Drill Bit Set - 4 Piece


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Milescraft GlueMate450 Glue Bottle


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Milescraft EdgeSander


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Milescraft Sand-It


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Milescraft AngleFinder


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@Yoevol thanks for the question, it had me scratching my head for a minute or two. The black cap on the GlueMate can be removed and put on the glue dispenser camber for long term storage and the red glue tip and yellow cap can be screwed onto the top of the large red screw cap, if the other gluing tip and cap are not being stored on there.

Neither the GlueMate or GluBot have valves in the large caps, I am no hydraulics expert but I assume top of the large chamber needs to be fairly airtight for the glue delivery and back suction to function.

Would be interested in others thoughts.

The product videos show how the bottles work.


@Yoevol thanks for the question, it had me scratching my head for a minute or two. The black cap on the GlueMate can be removed and put on the glue dispenser camber for long term storage and the red glue tip and yellow cap can be screwed onto the top of the large red screw cap, if the other gluing tip and cap are not being stored on there.

Neither the GlueMate or GluBot have valves in the large caps, I am no hydraulics expert but I assume top of the large chamber needs to be fairly airtight for the glue delivery and back suction to function.

Would be interested in others thoughts.

The product videos show how the bottles work.



My experience with the medium bottle is that below 1/3 full it becomes frustrating to use because if you leave the bottle standing upright the glue in the delivery tube soon drains down. This is because the nozzle is not air tight even with the cap on. To fill it up again needs a lot of squeezing of the main tank to get glue back up to the nozzle. Ideally the system should act as a pump which would require 2 valves; an air inlet valve in the cap and a non-return valve in the nozzle.
I think I mentioned the possibility of a Ketchup bottle type sphincter valve in the nozzle to you before . Well I had a go at the idea but it didn't work; the sphincter was too weak to resist air pressure.
An air admittance valve in the cap may go some way to elevating the problem but it would be difficult to engineer because of the large difference in volumes between the small amount of incompressible glue going out compared with the large volume of compressible air in the main tank.
The only answer I can see is to keep the bottle pretty full, which rather negates its raison d'etre.
Apart from the ability to alter the nozzle size, I don't think it's got any advantage over a Fairy Liquid bottle.
Out of interest, what is the quality of their jigs like? We forgot Son-in-law's birthday, so were panicking a bit but daughter said he really wanted their circle cutting jig for his Milwaukee battery router (with which he had recently routed a neat furrow in his thumb!). She's getting it, we are paying, as hopefully the carriage within the US is less than Transatlantic