Tony and Dan.
Sadly this started the day we moved in, first it was "you have children, oh we dont like them, so no noise after 5pm", then came the you can't dig that shrub up in your garden and we will tell you what you can put in and where ( this is literal not imaginative), then came the "I want to park my car in your garage when you put it up as my carport has no windows or doors, it doesnt attract council tax like this", then the driving up and down the road crawling past our house to intimidate as he stared through our windows, then came the throwing rubbish into our garden, then came the throwing large sanitary pads into it ( the kind incontinet people use) then the deliberate blocking of drains with them, then the sexual harrasment of our 10 year old daughter ( who started puberty early and was well developed) and the staring into her bedroom who now has to live with her real father to get away from this bloke, police comment "we can do nothing unless we can catch him", Then came the 8 year we walk on eggshells and say nothing not even a whipser from fear of his actions, do I lie, or exaggerate, no not at all, you would have thought untill last week that no one lived here, oh yes then there was the complaint to the council about how our tv ariel blew up his wifes stair lift and we got a solicitors letter about that, and then the letter from the council demanding we take it down or face legal action, I could go on and on and list everything, but whats the point, there is indeed two sides too an argument, however I do not exagerate when I say we do and did nothing to bring any of this on ourselves except move next door to a spitefull nasty small minded alcoholic who acts like the squire with a right to lech women etc, he is the archtype of the village poison pen and a nasty evil bit of work, my family have lived round here for years he moved from gloucester yet tells us to go back where we came from, why is this occuring, let me give you a clue, he has 2 daughters who live miles away and a son who hates him, he wants his daughter with kids to get our house and is doing everything he can to get it, funny how they knocked our door 1 day after we moved in and asked if we would swap to a 2 bed house in scotland and when we said no the problems started.
As for starting my saw up on saturday morning, yes I did, for 8 years we have been able to do nothing, zilch, not breath or belch, I came to this forum and read a bit, then thought why am i living like this, I should be able to use my tools if i want, so I started my saw up, and he struck again, oh last time we got a visit from the council at get this 1am in the morning who got us out of bed to say they had received a complaint of drilling sawing and such from the loft and they wanted to check, I wasn't veryu polite and frogmarched him into the house and loft which you couldn't get into. He left telling us to ignore next door and live our lives as he has come across his type before.
My room is diagonally opposite his side of the house, it couldn't be further away, and if you stand by the fence my tools can barely be heard, I can in fact hear his matt munro records blaring away which is way louder than anything I could use, as I said I came here and looked around my room and thought why shouldn't I use them, so I did, once, and ww3 started. hurray.
If you think I exaggerate, heres an offer, come live in my house for one week and see. That is if you dont mind living in a tip, did I forget to say, we can't decorate, he complained he could hear the paint scraper or me hand sanding the paintwork, therefore I have a house a pig wouldn't live in, half done and too scared to do it.
I put a green house in, he phoned the law to say I was growing cannabis!!, they believed him and came snooping, sadly I no longer use my green house for anything. It sits in my garden with its coating of whitewash from 2 years ago doing nothing.
Anyway, I am sick of accomodating the fool, whilst he arrogantly struts about, why should I always be the one who treads like a mouse or darent use his garden,or let the kids in it, 7 + 5 and he intimidates them too so much so that they run in to mum saying their scared of him, or have friends over for fear he will start on them, or use my stereo, why can't I breathe.
Oh yes, heres another one for you, I had more tools than you could shake a stick at, I sold my compressor, tig welder, mig welder, lathe, wood lathe, and about another 10 thou + of kit collected over years, for the princely sum of £1200, to a man in the paper because of this guy, I knew it was going to be trouble if i used them, when this guy and his mate turned up to collect in a large luton van, the idiot next door literaly ran up and down the street telling everyone we were doing a moonlight flit because we couldn't pay the rent, the guys asked if we put up with this often......, oh yes and then we got told by other neighbours how he bragged he was deliberately doing it to get us out so daughter could move in.
Oh well, there you go
So maybe I shouldn't start my saw and just consider him.